Beach Ultimate is a spin-off from grass ultimate much like
Beach Volley is a spin-off from normal Volleyball. Grass
Ultimate has an estimated 100,000+ players in over 40 countries
and was one of the sports at the 2001 World Games in Akita,
Beach Ultimate has seen a tremendous growth in the last
4 years with over 100 tournaments worldwide. The most popular
tournament, which is held annually in Italy, currently draws
1000+ players.
The game is played by both men and women and is a mix between
rugby, soccer, Beach Volley, and basketball. A team consists
of 5 players on the field (unlimited substitutes) and is
played with a flying disc (FrisbeeT) instead of a ball.
The objective is to score the maximum number of points by
catching the disc in the endzone of the opponent.
The players on the team that is on offence throw the disc
from one to anothers. When one of them catches the disc,
he/she should establish a pivot foot (much like in basketball)
and throw the disc to a team-mate within ten seconds. The
team on defence tries to stop the offence from catching
the disc in the endzone.
The simplicity of the game and Fair-Play spirit of the players
makes it possible to have an exciting game without referees.
Beach Ultimate relies upon a spirit of sportsmanship that
places the responsibility for fair play on the players themselves.
It is assumed that no Beach Ultimate player will intentionally
violate the rules; there are no harsh penalties for inadvertent
infractions but, rather, a method for resuming play in a
manner that simulates what would most likely have occurred
had there been no infraction.