Here is a list with the tournaments that used the SOTG rating system that we released last February:
- Oceans Beach Hat (New Zealand)
- Bulf à l’eau (France)
- Battle on the Beach (USA)
- Boracay Beach (the Philippines)
- Costa Brava Tournament (Spain)
- Sandblast (USA)
- Bibione Beach Combined (Italy)
- Beach Fest (UK)
- the Portuguese Beach Ultimate league (Portugal)
- the Cork Beach Hat and Layout Championships (Ireland)
- Yes But Nau (France)
- 4th Beach Ultimate tournament (Colombia)
- Wildwood(USA)
- Singapore local tournament (Singapore)

To add the geographic dispersion, Magic Maggia (Switzerland) and Fiesta en Pie de la Cuesta (Mexico) also have committed to trying the system. Nice 🙂
Initial feedback has been that it is logistically a bit cumbersome (Wildwood uses 4 volunteers to deal with all the score sheets and getting captains to fill them in). Nevertheless the system has received many positive reviews and several good suggestions for the version we will release next year.
If you have used the system and have any comments: we’re going long… so throw the huck!…