The F-word

My mother-in-law has given the F-word a new meaning: Frisbee!
According to her it is bad for our kids (My wife and I have an 11-year old and an 8-year old). We go to too many tournaments and they should be doing other things with them. True, sometimes we take the kids. Sometimes we don’t (and then they frequently stay with her :-).
However she seems to forget that we only play Beach Ultimate. So we take the kids to the beach. Most of the time the weather is great. What better place for kids to be than on the beach? It is better than being behind the Nintendo, TV, and the Internet all the time. They are not always looking forward to it, but once they are on the beach they have fun and run around.
I like my mother-in-law, but she should realize that the F-word is not a bad thing.


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