World Championships write-ups

The World Championships are over. What an amazing event! We could write a long blog post of all the things that happened but we could never report as eloquently as some others, so here is a list of some links you should check out:
Tony Leonardo’s articles:

Blockstack.TV coverage:


Luke Johnson’s video’s of the finals:

Final standings:

A big thanks goes out to all players, organizers, volunteers, sponsors, and anyone that has made the 2011 World Championships of Beach Ultimate such an amazing success.

World Championships start Sunday!

The 2011 World Championships of Beach Ultimate are ready to go!
LogoWCBU400x400.gifThere will be 14 games(!) broadcasts live, including the exciting opening game between the Italian Open team and the defending silver medalist from the Philippines on Sunday @ 17:00h CEST. Check out the coverage at
We will also have twitter feeds where you can get up-to-date game results from all 500 games.
Naturally there is a special WCBU2011 Facebook page, a special WCBU YouTube Channel where people can post their own videos, blog entries, as well as the popular online scoring system Ultiorganizer, to keep you even closer to the games and the players.
All links are available at Enjoy 🙂
UPDATE: WFDF Press release

The Rise of Ugandan Ultimate

Kampala, Uganda is known as the city of Seven Hills. Like many cosmopolitan cities it supports a vibrant ultimate scene on the upswing. This August the Kampala-based Team Uganda will come to WCBU11 as the second African team to compete in international beach competition outside of the continent.
“It has always been my dream to see Uganda ultimate succeed,” Team Uganda captain and founder Alex “Queenie” Matovu, aka Papa, told me via Skype. “In 1995 we only had one disc so when the person with the disc didn’t show up we couldn’t play. But later on my sister brought back some discs from California and in 1999 Jordan from Rwanda moved to Kampala and joined me, Henry and James as locals playing with mostly Brits and Americans. But we wanted to get organized and get more local players so we did.”



With all the Beach Ultimate going around worldwide, we shouldn’t forget what is happening in the US. Wildwood is the largest Beach Ultimate tournament in the world! Last time I talked to the organizers they already had 409 teams registered. Amazing!
Here is a some more info that was published this morning on Yahoo:

A lot of people remember Ultimate Frisbee from high school gym class and college campuses.
The unique game is a niche sport that is popular in intramural leagues as well. On the weekend of July 30 in Wildwood, N.J., Ultimate Frisbee will take center stage. Wildwood will host a tournament that takes place on July 30 and July 31. The “World’s Largest Beach Ultimate Tournament” is just that. This is the biggest Ultimate Frisbee event to take place on sand. More…


Finland, of all places…

Twice this week I was informed about Beach Ultimate’s rise in Finland. First I was asked for an interview for Annariikka Marttinen, the charming editor-in-chief told me that this summer there is more Beach Ultimate in Finland than there is grass Ultimate… Nice 🙂
Then, through Facebook, I received footage of a Beach Ultimate field being created in the heart of Helsinki:

Nice! 🙂

African Beach Ultimate on the rise

The Ugandan team is getting ready for the World Championships of Beach Ultimate in Italy this summer. As a lead up to this they participated in F.E.A.S.T. (Frisbee East Africa Sand Tournament) in Kenya. They seem to be ready… The finals was between Team Uganda A and Team Uganda B. It will be very interesting to see how they do at the world’s stage…

World Beach Games

Most players in the (grass) Ultimate community know that the World Games are a fairly big thing. A prestigious, high profile event where Ultimate was featured in 2005 in Duisburg (Germany) and in 2009 in Kaohsiung (Taiwan).
Well, Beach Ultimate is getting closer to its own high profile event… The 2012 World Beach Games. We are on the waiting list but if the location that they will chose can accommodate the fields, we have a good shot of getting in…