On August 11-12 there is the KaZantip Z(x)7 tournament that will happen during the annual open air rave-festival on the seaside in Popovka (near Evpatoriya, Crimea). The 5-week festival has over one million visitors, lots of dance parties, (extreme) sports, and now also Beach Ultimate 🙂
With great games during the day, freestyle performances, a night-Ultimate demonstration, and more parties that you can handle it should make for an amazing atmosphere and tournament!
The weekend after (18-19 Aug) you could travel to Kiev and participate in the 6th edition of the Kiev Beach Ultimate tournament. This tournament enjoys a great beach in the middle of the city, lots of players and the occasional baby enjoying some beer.
FYI: Only African and Asian players need a visa to visit the Ukraine and if you need help getting tickets (bus/train) the organizers are more than willing to help you out.
BULA tanks and democracy
Four teams tied for SOTG in Portugal
The Portuguese Beach Ultimate league was held on 5 separate playing days between October 2006 and April 2007. After each league day the participating teams filled in the BULA Spirit of the Game score sheets. After all the games were played, four teams ended up in first place with 70 out of a maximum of 80 points.
This is not the first time we hear that the BULA SOTG scoring system results in teams having equal points and some debate has been going on if this is a good thing.
My personal take on this is that it is good. It means that most of the teams play with good Spirit. Is it really necessary to have a single winner? Other systems that almost force a winner usually give the prize to the team with the best cheer or the most fun drinking game. However, is that really the deciding factor when a SOTG winner has to be chosen? I say “no”, but I would like to hear from others what they think.
Post your comments, click on the link below…
Sex and Ultimate Frisbee
From one of the editors of the Ultimate history book:
This time of year, cities around the country gear up for summer Ultimate Frisbee Leagues. Several thousand people play on the elite and college circuits; tens of thousands more play for fun, fitness and the “spirit of the game.” At least that’s what the brochure says. For those who play Ultimate, sex and their favorite sport are often entwined.
On a typical day at the fields, tanned bodies dive left and right. Men and women make field-length hucks to teammates in the end zone, then pump their fists in celebration. The best players hustle and throw their bodies around with abandon. Players yell “Hot catch!” when someone makes an eye-pleasing grab. “Up!” they shout when the disc is in the air, to alert teammates that action is about to begin. As one of my female friends pointed out: “It’s like a dick is hard, and we’re waiting to see what will happen.”… more….
France has largest Beach Ultimate league
France will have the largest Beach Ultimate league in the world this summer with 36 teams registered, 4 stages and 2 divisions! The games will take place on the following days:
* June 9-10, Les Sables d’Olonne (D1 & D2)
* June 30-July 1st , Pornichet (D1)
* June 23-24, Brest (D2)
* September 1-2, St Jean de Monts (D1 & D2)
* September 29-30, Le Poulignen (D1 & D2)
A team doesn’t have to play the 4 stages. But the more they play, the more points they get. The number of points won for each stage depends on the number of teams that played it. Last team gets 10 points. From last but one till 17th place : + 1 point from 16th to 9th : +2 points from 8th to 2nd : +3 points 1st : + 4 points.
Example for a stage with 14 teams :
14th : 10 pts
13th : 12 pts
9th : 20 pts
8th : 23 pts
7th : 26 pts
2th : 38 pts
1st : 42 pts.
For the final ranking, the points of the best 3 playing days will be totaled.
Fueled by the success of Yes But Nau and other tournament, Beach Ultimate in France is getting bigger…
2006 RéMix tournament in France
The Spirit of Flying Disc sports
Dan Engström, a WFDF Board member, wrote an
official article for the Danish Swedish Flying Disc Federation about the Spirit of Flying Disc sports.
It’s main focus is Ultimate but other parts of the disc sports, such as disc golf, are also included. Since Spirit is one of the main focal points for BULA we wanted to share with you (with permission from the WFDF).
Let us assume that it is possible to pin-point the attitude to life and sports of players and leaders of flying disc sports. This “Spirit of Flying Disc” would be a key feature of our family of sports. It would be knowledge that is invaluable in the development of the sport. This paper aims to identify the Spirit of Flying disc, and to be a stepping-stone for development that is based on it. If considered successful, this paper can be used as the foundation for the development of flying disc federations and for their policies on the use of Spirit of the Game. The more concrete methods of how to build on the Spirit of Flying Disc and the Spirit of the Game should be developed by interdisciplinary working-groups within each organisation. Consequently, they are only touched on here.
An effort to identify the essence of this special something has led me to the conclusion that there are three main building-blocks of the Spirit of Flying Disc, all connected:
- Counter-culture – The urge to be part of a non-establishment platform for expression.
- Focus- The rules of the game focus on what constitutes a positive contribution to the game, not on the limitations on what is allowed. The Spirit of the Game is a vital part of this.
- Fascination- The flight of a disc is a beautiful thing, with strong connotations of the first two building-blocks. Generally, flying disc players love it.
Read the whole article here (.pdf) (Updated 2 April 2007 version)
Brazilian league uses BULA posters
As we were hoping, organizers are starting to use the BULA posters and flyers to develop Beach Ultimate locally. In Porto (Portugal), Los Angeles (US), and now in Brazil the posters are used to attract new players.
The Brazilian “Campeonato Paulista de Beach Ultimate 2007” will be held on:
- 25/03/2007 – Mixed 5×5
- 29/04/2007 – Mixed 5×5
- 27/05/2007 – Open 5×5
- 24/06/2007 – Open 5×5
- 29/07/2007 – Woman 5×5
- 26/08/2007 – Woman 5×5
- 30/09/2007 – FINAL Mixed, Open and Woman
The first league day will be on Praia do Centro – Peruibe – SP and starts at 9:30h. There are no tournament fees and for more information contact frisbeeperuibe@yahoo.com.br
Brazil’s new disc magazine
Today a new (Beach) Ultimate magazine was launched in Brazil. Sent only via email (smart!) the publication keeps everyone informed about new teams, local tournaments, the story behind the national Beach Ultimate team and other disc news in Brazil. More information can be requested from ultimate_journal@yahoo.com.br
Happy Birthday Frisbee!
Today is the 50th birthday of the Frisbee!
Congratulations Wham-O!
Link to “The Frisbee Celebrates its 50th Anniversary” story on WFDF website
Tomorrow: Global Orgasm Day
Beach Ultimate Lovers are known to have respect for the planet and participate in good causes. But even if you are normally not so socially aware, here is one project you might want to participate in to help save the planet: Global Orgasm Day!
Scientifically monitored by Princeton’s Global Consciousness Project this is a good cause for all Men and Women, you and everyone you know.
WHEN? Winter Solstice Day – Friday, December 22nd, at the time of your choosing, in the place of your choosing and with as much privacy as you choose.
WHY? To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy a Synchronized Global Orgasm.
Thank you and please come again! 😉