As the Chairman of the WFDF Spirit of the Game Committee I am very pleased to announce the 2010 Spirit of the Game Scoring system. The Committee looked at all the feedback on the 2008 system and worked hard to make the system better and easier to use. I think we succeeded 🙂
The reduction of the number of scoring criteria from 8 to 5 is one of the main changes. Each team is now scored on: 1) Rules knowledge and use, 2) Fouls and body contact, 3) Fair-mindedness, 4) Positive attitude and self-control, 5) Themselves (did the team play with worse, same, or better Spirit than the other team?)
The other major change in the 2010 Spirit of the Game scoring system is the rating. Each of the criteria are now rated “Excellent”, “Very Good”, “Good”, “Not so Good”, or “Poor”, and teams awarded 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 points respectively, yielding a score range of 0-20 points per team per game. I believe that this correctly reflects the overall Good Spirit seen in the (Beach) Ultimate community and allows us to maintain this level of Spiritedness worldwide. As of November 8, 2009 have translations of the SOTG scoring sheet in 27 languages(!) and we will continue to add new translations. (download translation template and send it to by the end of the year)
We also created an official press release. If you have contact with local or national press people, forward the press release at Spirit of the Game is what makes our sport special.
Of course, spread the word in you local (Beach) Ultimate communities as well. Show people the new SOTG scoring sheets or send them to or
In any case, here are the 27 languages available until now:
- English
- Catalan
- Chinese
- Danish
- Dutch
- Estonian
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Icelandic
- Italian
- Japanese
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese – Brazilian
- Portuguese – European
- Russian
- Serbian
- Slovakian
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Ukrainian

Many thanks to Chris Schneider (CH), Christian Jennewein (FR), Dan Engstrom (SE), Daniel Bailey (VE), David Raflo (US), Ethan Milberg (CA), Jerry Rosenberg (US), Momme Butenschön (IT), Natalie Visser (CO), Paul Bernier (IT), and Rue Veitl (DE) for their work on making this happen, as well as all the volunteers that translated the document.