
Beach Blog

  • 2017 World Championships to be held in France - The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) today announced that the WFDF 2017 World Championships of Beach Ultimate, in association with BULA (WCBU 2017) will be held at Plage de la Grande Conche in Royan, France from Sunday, 18 June to Saturday, 24 June 2017. The French Flying Disc Federation (FFDF) will oversee the Tournament Organizing […]
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    WFDF renews agreement with BULA - The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) today announced that it has renewed its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with BULA on the governance of the Flying Disc sport of Beach Ultimate. WFDF and BULA had signed an initial MOU in 2011 and this agreement extends the working arrangement for four years through 2019. For more information, […]
  • Featured Video Play Icon (Beach) Ultimate Frisbee Makes an Indian Filmmaker’s Sundance Dreams Come True - A winner of the Sundance Institute Short Film Challenge, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, shows that, surprisingly, (Beach) Ultimate Frisbee is a force for good in the world… Full article
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    Amazing Changes - It has been a while since our last blog post. But we have been a bit busy… 🙂 We are continuing to work hard to ensure an amazing 2015 BULA & WFDF World Championships of Beach Ultimate in Dubai. (I can’t believe the event is less than 2 months away…!) And today we are very proud to […]
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    Beach Ultimate featured in new series - Elliot Trotter, Editor in Chief of Skyd Magazine, just released a new series “Ultimate Globe Trotter”. The first episode features Beach Ultimate legends, the Boracay Dragons
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    Team Kenya to go to Dubai - Kenya today is officially announced its intention to attend the 2015 World Championships of Beach Ultimate (#WCBU2015) in the Open division. They made a website to register players and rally support around their cause and send players to They need to raise $10,000 and need all the help they can get!
  • Featured Video Play Icon Dubai to host World Championships in 2015 - Dubai will host the 2015 BULA & WFDF World Championships of Beach Ultimate (WCBU) next year, the first time the premier competition for Ultimate Frisbee players will come to the Middle East. Expected to be held on the beach along Jumeirah Beach Residences in March 2015, the championships will welcome an estimated 1,000 athletes from […]
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    Disc, Beach, and Rio - Last year, around this time, we promoted the Hat Rio 40º tournament. It turned out to be great! 🙂 If that looks like fun, : check out the details for the 2014 edition.
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    Beach Ultimate tournament in Cancun - For the last 10 years Acapulco was the place to go for Beach Ultimate in Mexico. However they were recently hit with two big hurricanes and are now in a rebuilding phase. Nevertheless, they are supporting a new event on the other side of the country: Cancun! Cancun is a city with some of the […]
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    ECBU2013 Final Results - The 2013 BULA/WFDF European Championships of Beach Ultimate (#ECBU2013) in Calafell Platja, Spain, came to a close with a victory by Team Sweden over Ireland 12-4 in the featured Mixed division final. A total of 1,150 players from 23 countries participated in the largest Beach Ultimate event ever co-hosted by the Beach Ultimate Lovers Association […]
  • European Championships about to start! - The European Championships of Beach Ultimate are a week away and everything is ready for a showcase event: a record 1,150 players representing 23 country, and ground-breaking online coverage at
  • 4-game Spirit score sheet now available - The Spirit of the Game Committee of the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) has published a 4-game Spirit of the Game scoresheet. The sheet reduces paper use by 75% and simplifies the work for teams and administrators by displaying four games on one sheet. The new scoresheet can be found here. An editable version can […]
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    WCBU2011 Finals - The videos of all the finals at the 2011 World Championships, as well as other key games, are online as of today on YouTube Here is just one of the videos: Germany – USA Mixed finals. The game starts at 7:31
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    Brazilian Beach Bliss - Need to feel warm inside? Hat Rio 40º 2012
  • 2013 Beach Ultimate Rules - Last month the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) released the revised version of the Official Ultimate Rules (link). Today we have made the Beach Ultimate appendices available to all Beach Ultimate Lovers. 2013 Rules of Ultimate Appendix-WFDF-2013-Rules-BULA-5-on-5-Rules.pdf Appendix-WFDF-2013-Rules-BULA-4-on-4-Rules.pdf These rules will come into effect 1 January 2013 and will apply to all BULA events, including […]
  • UP! In New Zealand - Look at these great shots from this year’s Flat Out Nelson tourney in New Zealand. They were taken by the famous, official photographer at the World Ultimate and Guts Championships in Japan last year.
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    Burla Beach Cup rocking video
  • European Championships website and WFDF - The website and registration for 2013 BULA & WFDF European Championships of Beach Ultimate (ECBU2013) are ready and can be accessed at The ECBU2013 will be held on Calafell Beach, Tarragona (Spain) 27-30 June 2013. The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) has approved the ECBU2013 as a WFDF event. This means that the WFDF […]
  • Ebashi Cup – Domo Arigato - Lots of talk about Japan lately. The World Ultimate and Guts Championships (WUGC) took place there recently and (social) media was widely present. While the WUGC was taking place, I met Matt Kass from BULA Japan in San Francisco. Matt was so kind to offer me this disc from the the Ebashi Beach Ultimate Cup: […]
  • Against the Grain: 10 years already! - This year marked the tenth annual Against The Grain (ATG) Beach Ultimate tournament. Twenty teams from all over gathered at Seaside, Oregon, July 14 and 15 to play in either the 4v4 or 5v5 division. The teams from Seattle managed to sweep the title in both divisions…but there was a strong showing in 5v5 finals […]
  • Beach Ultimate in Hawaii - Hawaii has always been a place where we hoped Beach Ultimate would be played. However, most beaches just don’t have (enough) sand. Today however we found out that there are indeed some crazy people slogging through through the sand. Even better, there is a highly spirited league where teams cheer for the other team after […]
  • Chicago Sandblast 2012: History - Every July, players flock to the same groomed beaches to celebrate a new summer by playing a little Ultimate. But these teams aren’t overlooking the Pacific in Santa Monica or even from the Atlantic in Wildwood, New Jersey. Instead they are gathering in the heart of the country, looking out over Lake Michigan. Sandblast, is […]
  • European Championships announced - Today we announced that the 2013 European Championships of Beach Ultimate (ECBU2013) will be held on Calafell Beach, Tarragona (Spain) from Thursday 27th June – Sunday 30th June 2013. This news was communicated through an ECBU2013-Open-Letter.pdf to the players and all European nations will be invited to send national teams to participate in the Open, […]
  • Easter weekend was great! - Easter weekend is always a holy weekend for Beach Ultimate Lovers with its mecca in Rimini for Paganello. Again it was a great weekend that was topped off by great finals. The Open final was won by the Scandal from Chicago, edging out the equally flamboyant international pickup team SeXXXpensive 10-9. Luca Miglioretto from SeXXXpensive […]
  • Australian Beach Nationals - Beach Ultimate is getting support in Australia… The first ever Australian Beach Nationals are going to happen May 19-20 on the lovely southern beaches of the Gold Coast. There will be Open, Women and Mixed divisions. More info at
  • Beach Ultimate at the end of the world - In two days the Ocean Beach Ultimate Hat tournament will be held, 2012 in Whangarei Heads, New Zealand. It promised to be two days of amazing beach Ultimate, with welcome beers/bag of wine, free gifts, buffet style dinner, beach-side camping, swimming (possibly with dolphins), sun, and smiles. Mind you, Whangarei Heads is some 30 minutes […]
  • UPDATE: Beach law in LA to be changed - Earlier this week we blogged about the LA law that might get disc players a $1,000 fine. Today we can say that the Beach Ultimate community successfully requested a rewrite of the Frisbee- and ball-playing section of the new ordinance. The new language will clearly state that “such activities by small groups and individuals are […]
  • USA Ultimate Beach Committee Applications - USA Ultimate is currently conducting a search for candidates to serve on its Beach Ultimate Committee. If you have a passion for beach ultimate and a desire to help develop and grow the sport USAU would love to hear from you. Committee members will help develop short and long range goals for the division within […]
  • Beach Ultimate in Africa - The African disc scene is not very big but there are clear signs things are changing. The granddaddy of African beach tournaments is just around the corner and FEAST IV promises to be the biggest and best ever. This year’s tournament will again be on Tiwi Beach near Mombasa, Kenya. They will be playing Easter […]
  • $1,000 Fine for throwing a disc at the beach? - Just after posting that Beach Ultimate in LA is going well, up comes this piece of news: The Board of Supervisors this week agreed to raise fines to up to $1,000 for anyone who throws a football or a disc on any beach in Los Angeles County between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Fortunately there […]
  • Los Angeles Women’s Beach Ultimate League - Los Angeles remains pushing the boundaries of Beach Ultimate. They are the first group that has a women’s only Beach Ultimate League. Excellent! Check it out at:
  • Beach Ultimate in Turkey - In Turkey there is a 2-day long beach tournament called “34HAT”. In September 2010, 34HAT was organized for the first time in “Kilyos BURC Beach, Istanbul” with 68 players. Last year, in September 2011, 34HAT was organized for the second time and 93 players attended, among these players, 23 players from other countries. It is […]
  • From Colombia with Love
  • Happy New Year!!! - From all of us at BULA: Have a beachy 2012!!!
  • SOTG Scoring sheet explanation - For more than 5 years tournament directors and players in 30+ countries have been using the BULA/WFDF Spirit of the Game Scoring sheet. The last version came out in 2010 and a lot of feedback has been generated. One of the most consistent comments we received was that teams did not score the same way. […]
  • Teach Beach Ultimate at Madagascar resort - We have been approached by a new local tour operator in Madagascar that specializes in active tourism. They are preparing a three month’s holiday package that will take place in a seaside village in the eastern part of Madagascar. This package is especially aimed at domestic tourism; people living in the capital Antananarivo. They found […]
  • 3-on-3 Beach Ultimate: Good practice for all? - It is not uncommon that beginning players get frustrated because they don’t get the disc very often during a game. Of course there are reasons for that: Beginning players do not know where to run Advanced players don’t feel comfortable throwing anything but a perfect pass The problem persists because it is possible to play […]
  • 3,000 WCBU quality pictures - A big thank to Alexandr Tikhomirov, who posted 3,000 pictures of the World Championships on Google Plus
  • Inner City Beach Ultimate in Canada - Members of the Edmundston Ultimate Frisbee club in New Brunswick (Canada) have accomplished something unique: include Beach Ultimate as a demonstration sport in the Jeux de l’Acadie games. As a result they now have a Beach Ultimate field in the city 🙂 The Jeux de l’Acadie games were held from 29 June to 3 July […]
  • Pedro Vargas to lead BULA Europe - After the World Championships there have been many requests by players to have European Championship of Beach Ultimate (ECBU). To look into the possibilities, Pedro Vargas from Portugal has been asked to lead BULA Europe for the next two years and assist, educate, and promote the Spirit and the Game of Beach Ultimate in Europe. […]
  • A blast from the past… Italy 2003 - Here is a blast from the past: the legendary Pasticciotto Beach Ultimate tournament in Italy:
  • Gazos Gambit V – Keep hoppin’ - Somewhere along California’s famous Highway 1, between Santa Cruz and San Francisco, is Gazos Gambit. A Beach Ultimate tournament run by the always hoppin’ Edmundo, this is one of those tournaments that is just different (in a very positive way). High level and earthy might be good descriptor. Check it out at
  • Kiev Beach Ultimate - The joy of Beach Ultimate can be found everywhere! Check out the cool video from the Kiev Hat tournament with some funky overhead filming 🙂
  • 1st Dominican Beach Ultimate Championships - I love firsts… Here is a first: the 1st Dominican Beach Ultimate National Championships. THIS IS A MUST SEE VIDEO FOR ALL BEACH ULTIMATE LOVERS 🙂 Thanks Pepito!
  • Los Angeles Beach League 2011 - On Sunday Oct 16 the 7th season of the LA Beach Ultimate league starts with 12 teams participating. There will be 6 weeks of league games (no games the Sunday after Thanksgiving) and a one day tournament the first Sunday of December, the 4th. All Games are on Sunday mornings at 10am. For more information, […]
  • Tournament Director Tuesdays - Tournament Directors are the driving force behind the sport of (Beach) Ultimate. It is incredible that so many people are willing to give up their nights and weekends to put on amazing events without earning a dime. The LeagueVine blog is doing a great job starting up a series of articles geared towards Tournament Directors. […]
  • Beach Ultimat Hat tournament in Phuket - On Oct 29th, the 3rd Phuket Hat will take place in Thailand.. But this time on Nai Thon beach, Phuket’s finest stretch of sand. There is everything you need…beach bar, snorkling, massage. It’s basically the last undeveloped beach on the island, and so the experience is that much better. Registration is simply by sending an […]
  • 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate alive and kicking! - Although 5-on-5 Beach Ultimate is still the preferred sport for most players, 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate is still alive and kicking. It was invented by Florida player Tim Finan in an effort to speed up the game and make it even more spectator friendly. The field is somewhat shorter and a slightly wider than 5-on-5 Beach […]
  • WCBU Spirit of the Game – Final standings - Below are the final classifications with regards to the Spirit of the Game at the World Championships. We would like to remind everyone that a normal game is considered to have good spirit and that would result in 10 points (2 points per category). We recognize that there is still a need for more education […]
  • Most remote game of Beach Ultimate on British mainland - Last weekend saw a group of 12 adventurous Ultimate players travel to Sandwood Bay for what we believe is the most remote/north-western game of Beach Ultimate ever played on the British mainland. Sandwood Bay is 6 miles south of Cape Wrath (The most NW point on mainland GB) and requires a 4 mile hike from […]
  • World Championships write-ups - The World Championships are over. What an amazing event! We could write a long blog post of all the things that happened but we could never report as eloquently as some others, so here is a list of some links you should check out: Tony Leonardo’s articles: Mixed Finals Women’s Finals Open Finals Masters Finals […]
  • World Championships start Sunday! - The 2011 World Championships of Beach Ultimate are ready to go! There will be 14 games(!) broadcasts live, including the exciting opening game between the Italian Open team and the defending silver medalist from the Philippines on Sunday @ 17:00h CEST. Check out the coverage at We will also have twitter feeds where you […]
  • WCBU Schedule unveiled - The playing schedule for the 2011 World Championships of Beach Ultimate is now available for download
  • The Rise of Ugandan Ultimate - Kampala, Uganda is known as the city of Seven Hills. Like many cosmopolitan cities it supports a vibrant ultimate scene on the upswing. This August the Kampala-based Team Uganda will come to WCBU11 as the second African team to compete in international beach competition outside of the continent. “It has always been my dream to […]
  • Wildwood - With all the Beach Ultimate going around worldwide, we shouldn’t forget what is happening in the US. Wildwood is the largest Beach Ultimate tournament in the world! Last time I talked to the organizers they already had 409 teams registered. Amazing! Here is a some more info that was published this morning on Yahoo: A […]
  • Finland, of all places… - Twice this week I was informed about Beach Ultimate’s rise in Finland. First I was asked for an interview for Annariikka Marttinen, the charming editor-in-chief told me that this summer there is more Beach Ultimate in Finland than there is grass Ultimate… Nice 🙂 Then, through Facebook, I received footage of a Beach Ultimate […]
  • What footwear should be allowed? - One of the players at the World Championships contacted us to know if they could wear the Vibram FiveFingers footware. This quickly sparked an interesting discussion on the WCBU facebook page. Feel free to post your comments there or here… Here is the ‘shoe’ in question:
  • African Beach Ultimate on the rise - The Ugandan team is getting ready for the World Championships of Beach Ultimate in Italy this summer. As a lead up to this they participated in F.E.A.S.T. (Frisbee East Africa Sand Tournament) in Kenya. They seem to be ready… The finals was between Team Uganda A and Team Uganda B. It will be very interesting […]
  • World Beach Games - Most players in the (grass) Ultimate community know that the World Games are a fairly big thing. A prestigious, high profile event where Ultimate was featured in 2005 in Duisburg (Germany) and in 2009 in Kaohsiung (Taiwan). Well, Beach Ultimate is getting closer to its own high profile event… The 2012 World Beach Games. We […]
  • Campari and Brazilian Beach Ultimate - One of the interesting stories developed by Campari in Brazil: Beach Ultimate
  • First Dubai tournament a success - The first Dubai Beach Ultimate tournament turned out to be a success! They ended up with some sponsorship from Pizza Hut and Gatorade. Everyone loved it. Lots of requests to do it again. Not only was the tournament a great success but a reporter from one of the two big paper covered the event. […]
  • Beach Ultimate in Russian Winter - Here is another way to survive the long, cold winter: indoor Beach Ultimate in St.Petersburg (the Oasis tournament)
  • What we are building…. - Here is a visualization of the location of the World Championships…
  • Beach Ultimate in Dubai - About six months ago, I became aware of a group of Ultimate players in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). They have been growing slowly but steadily in numbers and on Friday April 1 (no joke) they will hold their inaugural Beach Ultimate tournament! For more information: They are also preparing to send a team to […]
  • BULA Japan – Shaken, not stirred - For many years BULA has be represented in Japan by Matt Kass. Of course when the quake struck on Saturday we were all worried. Fortunately we received word from Matt saying that he and his family are okay. He wrote: Despite the grim news, Japan and Japanese people can be remarkably industrious and resilient. I […]
  • World Championship Update - Just a quick update on the WCBU: It is going fast… 🙂 Lots of countries already signed up. Fifteen Mixed, twelve countries in Open, eight in Women, and nine in Masters. Plus still potential to get the Grandmasters and Mixed masters filled up with 6 countries per division. Many more countries are getting close to […]
  • NoTsuOh Documentary ready for preview - The No TsuOh documentary that we wrote about last October is ready to preview on: This is the version before the title edits and the audio balancing. The hope is that they get the film viewed more than 10,000 times before April 4th and that more than a third will choose to donate a […]
  • Invisible String achieves goal of $25K - Yesterday, on Valentines Day, the feature length Frisbee documentary the Invisible string achieved its goal of raising $25,000! That is great. Not only did they get the money needed for such an important movie, it took them less than 2 months to raise this money! Sites like and allow people to easily donate […]
  • World Championship site now in Spanish - The World Championships website is now available in the Spanish language. Thank you Natalie!
  • History of the Spirit of the Game and Observers - An important and interesting piece of information has been made available on the WFDF website: “History of the Spirit of the Game and Observers“. The document is must read for anyone that wants to talking about Spirit and/or Observers. It starts in 1978 when Roddick wrote: “Highly competitive play is encouraged but never at the […]
  • Bikini Sports Injury
  • WCBU Sponsorship Proposal - A few minutes ago we launched the new website of the World Championships: and we opened registration on FFindr. We also created a presentation for potential sponsors and hope you will spread the word: World Championships of Beach Ultimate Sponsor Presentation
  • Happy New Year!
  • 11/1/11 – ????
  • Frisbee Documentary – The Invisible String - It’s hard to believe that there is no documentary film about our little rotating piece of plastic that has brought joy to so many people around the world! The histories of similar alternative sports like Skateboarding, Surfing, and Snowboarding have been covered with great documentaries. And Frisbee? This Invisible String Documentary will be a journey […]
  • Australia Day Beach Ultimate Championships - The acceptance of Beach Ultimate by the WFDF and the upcoming World Championships in Italy next year are clearly creating waves across the globe. Yesterday we received word that South Africa has a strong interest in participating. Today a Venezuelan Womens team sent us an email that they want to come. And now we see […]
  • 30 Fantastic Frisbee Blogs - Our BULA blog has been featured on the list of Top Frisbee Blogs. The organization “Choosing A Career” hand-picked a list of favorites and outlined the unique reasons why they love them. We feel honored 🙂 Of course this is a classic way to create more links and subsequent better search engine positioning. It is […]
  • San Francisco Beach Ultimate League - For many years there have been regular pickup games on Ocean Beach (Saturday’s 2:30 PM at stairwell #9). Now the time has come for the Bay Area to have a Beach Ultimate league. Led by Renata and Edmundo (the organizer of Gazos Gambit) there will be games every Sunday at Ocean Beach from 1:00 to […]
  • Cartoons playing Beach Ultimate - What would it look like if cartoons played Beach Ultimate? TV in Catalunya show us how with the help of players from Peixets and Guayota 🙂
  • World Championships updates - Ffindr registration The last tests are being performed but all registrations for the World Championships of Beach Ultimate (WCBU) will go through Ffindr. Ffindr is an online event manager application for all disc related events. It is superb! Tones of useful features and really easy to use for administrators and players. Website We are just […]
  • What’s in the bag of a Beach Ultimate player? - I play Beach Ultimate 2-3 times per week. I don’t want to think about what I need to take each time, so I take everything! Of course the standard shorts, dark and light shirts, a hoodie, and sweatpants, but there is a lot more! Beer glove – I hate warm beer Beer opener – Duh! […]
  • Extradry Redemption Ultimate Movie
  • Beach Ultimate, Facebook, and Mexico - What do you think? Is Facebook the new email? When BULA started 10 years ago, email and mailing lists were our main source of communication. Now email is starting to lose ground. People are joining this newsletter much less frequently then 5 years ago. Now players on Facebook are ‘liking‘ Beach Ultimate, ‘joining‘ BULA, ‘supporting‘ […]
  • NoTsuOh Documentary Fundraiser - NoTsuOh, the legendary Beach Ultimate team that dominated Paganello for many years is raising money to complete their documentary. The final project will highlight the story about the team during their last year in Rimini, Italy. They have hired an editor to put together the trailer and complete the project. To finish they need to […]
  • The Heat is Over - Chennai Heat was 8-10 October on the beautiful Elliots Beach, Beasant Nagar, in Chennai (India). This year the tournament saw national and international teams compete in a 7 Vs 7 (mixed-gender) tournament for the title of Indian Beach Ultimate Champions. It was amazing. They had over a 1000 spectators just watching the finals alone! There […]
  • BULA in the Wall Street Journal - In an article about the commonwealth games Paul Beckett and Tripti Lahiri recognize that the sports played in the commonwealth games are all sports spread around the world through the British Empire. Then they wondered, just for fun, what sports might appear in an American equivalent of this extravaganza and which countries would be invited […]
  • It is Gazos Gambit time again… - US Beach Ultimate… Sandblast… Wildwood… Leiout… and Gazos Gambit… Ok, Gazos Gambit doesn’t have 1,000’s of players but it has Edmundo! Organizer, player, and DJ extraordinaire. Edmundo always manages to get a great crowd of Bay Area players to attend and that makes the tournament so special. Any Beach Ultimate player that is even remotely […]
  • USA Ultimate welcomes Beach Ultimate under its NGB umbrella - Boulder, Colo. (September 29, 2010)–USA Ultimate, the national governing body for the sport of Ultimate in the United States, announced today the creation of a Beach Ultimate division and committee to organize, promote and administer the sport of Beach Ultimate. Recent passage of a proposal to create an official Beach Ultimate World Championship at the […]
  • It is official: Beach Ultimate is a disc sport - Remember it was almost official? Now it is 100% official! The World Flying Disc Federation member poll closed and there were 62 votes in favor, 0 against, and 0 abstained! Beach Ultimate is now an officially recognized disc sport! This also means that the WFDF and BULA will jointly host the World Championships of Beach […]
  • Preliminary WCBU website is up - We have been approached by many federations already asking for information about the next World Championships of Beach Ultimate. Today we launched a preliminary website with the most important information that players and teams will need. In the next few weeks we will turn this website into the site it needs to be with player […]
  • Beach Ultimate off the beaten beach - I just finished a great trip: Beach Ultimate in Kilyos (Turkey) followed by Beach Ultimate in Odessa (Ukraine) and then Kiev. Wonderful! In Kilyos I visited the BULA BUTT with Jonathan Potts, the WFDF President. In terms of the number of teams, it was not a success. However, I know that a seed was planted […]
  • Beach Ultimate in Los Angeles - Last week I mentioned that Beach Ultimate in the US will have its own group of people organizing and growing the sport. Now I found out that the LA beach league has become the favorite league in Los Angeles. People all year round say that they love the league and can’t wait for it to […]
  • The effects of the result… - Now that Beach Ultimate is recognized by the WFDF, I see things are going to change: Japan will probably send a team to Italy next year, and so will many other countries traditionally absent at the World Championships of Beach Ultimate (WCBU). The other big change is that national federations now have to make a […]
  • Kiev Hat: Easily accessible and great players! - I hardly can wait to go to Kiev and play at the 7th Kiev Beach Hat Tournament. Kiev is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, with a lot of interesting sights. The beach is “Dovbychka” – on a uninhabited island (the Kiev nudist resort) in Kiev with perfect soft sand and the peaceful […]
  • Beach Ultimate almost an official sport! - Last Saturday Matt Kass, Representative Director for BULA Japan, and I were at the the World Ultimate Club Championships in Prague and attended the WFDF Congress to defend BULA’s motion to get Beach Ultimate recognized as an official sport. This is what happened: The WFDF had been too late submitting all the motions to its […]
  • WFDF Congress: Will we do it? - Back in April I wrote that we submitted a motion to the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) to get Beach Ultimate officially recognized as a sport. Now we are close to getting the answer. On Saturday morning the WFDF will hold its congress in Prague where the World Ultimate Club Championships will be held. Representatives […]
  • Beach, disc and drums in Quebec! - It never ceases to amaze me where Beach Ultimate can be played: indoor, on market squares, in the desert, and in the woods. No matter where it is played, it is always fun and tough to play. The 4th éditions of ”La P’tite vite du capitaine” in Gaspe, Quebec (Canada) is no exception. This great […]
  • 26 June: Hands Across the Sand - If you want to say no to offshore oil drilling, yes to clean energy, take notice: Hands Across the Sand is a movement made of people of all walks of life and crosses political affiliations. This movement is not about politics; it is about protection of coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife, and fishing industry. You […]
  • WorldCup and Ultimate Peace - If you like soccer and the World Cup, you can combine 2 goals together. A great idea from Louis Eisenberg ( As a fundraiser for Ultimate Peace and a way to make the World Cup more exciting she is running a World Cup pool with half of each person’s $20 entry fee going to Ultimate […]
  • Fiji – land of the ‘Bula Spirit’ - I just received this from a friend of mine: Fiji – land of the ‘Bula Spirit’ The land of the ‘Bula Spirit’ and home to some of the friendliest people on the planet, small wonders that Fiji remains firmly fixed in place as one of Australia’s favourite overseas destinations. Offering perfect weather all year-round , […]
  • Discraft competition? - Over the years there have been various companies that tried to compete with Discraft. Daredevil discs is one of them. They are “UPA approved” but I have no idea how successful they have been. I think that for most Ultimate players, if the price is almost the same and the disc is almost the same, […]
  • Unique tournament in Turkey! - Every year BULA plants Beach Ultimate seeds around the world to help the sport grow. It does so by organizing one special Beach Ultimate tournament per year in an area that has potential. This year the Beach Ultimate Traveling Tournament (BUTT) is going to Turkey 30 July – 1 Aug. The tournament will be held […]
  • (Beach) Ultimate in Argentina
  • Amazingly good WFDF rules website! - Clearly a lot of work has gone into a new WFDF website dedicated to the rules of Ultimate. With hyperlinks that show the difference with UPA rules, official interpretations, scenarios, quizzes, videos, and lot of other goodies. It is truly an amazing website. I am not easily impressed but this is a site for everyone […]
  • Swedish Beach Ultimate - Swedish Ultimate is a strange bird. They used to be a power house in the ’80s and ’90s, always finishing in the top 3 at the World Championships. However this seemed to have subsided somewhat in the last 10 years. Unlike many other European countries their players don’t travel much to other tournaments and you […]
  • Paganello memories - Paganello is long gone. The weather is getting nicer but the memories are still there. There are of course tonnes of Facebook pages with pictures but none of them have as many great shots as Uncle Botto’s:
  • World Beach Games? - Jonathan Potts, the President of the World Flying Disc Federation, was at the SportAccord (former GAISF) convention this past week and brought back some news about the World Beach Games. This event will be run along similar lines to the upcoming World Combat Games in Beijing. At World Combat Games all flights, accommodation and meals […]
  • 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate in France - France has taken 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate to the next level: the French 4-on-4 Cup (Coupe de France). Way to go! See the pictures Notice the great use of the free BULA posters we have available for download in 5 languages 🙂
  • Beach Ultimate in Borneo cover up? - There are signs of Beach Ultimate life on Borneo… Considering the quality of the video I am wondering what the government is trying to cover up? Is this real?
  • Spirit of the Game Time-out - Did you know that according to the Appendix of the WFDF rules of Ultimate you can call a Spirit of the Game Time-out? Appendix A7 states that a SOTG time-out can be taken: If a team’s captain believes that either or both teams are failing to follow the Spirit of the Game (SOTG), they may […]
  • Video of WCBU 2011 sports complex - Thanks to Tushar from I am Ultimate I saw this promotional video about the sports complex where the 2011World Championships will be held:
  • Beach Ultimate as official WFDF Disc Sport? - I just finished emailing a 36-page motion to the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) to have Beach Ultimate officially recognized as a Flying Disc Sport and for the WFDF to co-host the upcoming World Championships.This motion will be voted on by WFDF members at the next World Ultimate Club Championships in Prague in July. Why […]
  • BULA Japan promoting WCBU - At the recently concluded Dream Cup tournament in Fuji-shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan (March 20-22, 2010), Matt Kass of BULA Japan was seen promoting Beach Ultimate and trying to get the Japanese interest in participating at the next World Championships. Background:the Open Final and Mount Fuji-san
  • Self rating vs Public rating - Leave it up to the Belgians to come up with an innovative Beach Ultimate hat tournament idea… At hat tournament players always have to rate themselves so the organizers can do their best to make balanced teams. This can be as straight forward as asking for a single number to represent your level (1-10), or […]
  • FEAST (Frisbee East Africa Sand Tournament) - FEAST (Frisbee East Africa Sand Tournament) is back by popular demand and this year promises to be even feastier. Last year, Mighty Meaty put together an awe inspiring run to the championship that is remembered as one of the greatest victories in sports history! In addition to the world class athleticism, there was also glow-in-the […]
  • 2011 World Championships in Italy! - This is how the bid from Max Vitali started: “It doesn’t often happen that you manage to find what you really need. Usually, when you try to build an event, you spend months making contacts, talking to people, knocking on doors to get green lights, adequate facilities, the right deal. Usually, if you work hard […]
  • Bids for World Championships are in - Yesterday was the deadline to submit bids for the World Championships in 2011. We received bids from Italy, France, Turkey, and Mexico. The WCBU Committee will examine the bids and announce the winner at the end of this month. All look like good places to play at 🙂
  • BULA needs help with Blog HTML code - BULA hasn’t published much on the blog lately. The main reason is because we upgraded our blog software from Movable Type 3.5 to 4.34. Some of the tags are now ‘depreciated’. This means that comments no longer are available, and the archive is not shown. Our in-house knowledge of HTML coding is not what it […]
  • Fred Morrison, inventor of the Frisbee, dies at age 90 - Fred Morrison, inventor of the Frisbee, has died at his home in Utah at the age of 90. Morrison traced the idea for the Frisbee to a Thanksgiving Day family picnic in 1937 when he and his future wife tossed the lid of a popcorn tin back and forth for fun, the Deseret News reports. […]
  • Blockstack TV and the Asian Championships - Vince and Hilco from Blockstack TV, and players on the New Zealand Beach Ultimate team, finished their video report on the Asian Championships Beach Ultimate in Boracay (the Philippines) and the subsequent trip to the Asian Championships Grass Ultimate in Manila. Great stuff! Thanks guys. It was great playing with you!
  • Request for bids for 2011 World Championships - Yes! BULA is ready to accept bids to host the 2011 World Championships Beach Ultimate. If you, or your local disc organization is interested in hosting the 2011 BULA World Championships Beach Ultimate, send an email to and put “Bid Request” in the subject line. You will receive a Word document that has to […]
  • Learn to layout! - Laying out is probably one of the best feelings in (Beach) Ultimate. I don’t do it enough, but when I do I feel great! (even if the layout is not always successful) On the beach laying out is easier, but it still requires some guts and instinct. London’s women’s ultimate team Iceni put together a […]
  • Gazos Gambit and the beauty of northern California’s coast - Edmundo from San Francisco is a passionate player, musician and DJ extraordinaire. This year he is organizing Gazos Gambit again. Gazos Gambit is an amazingly fun tournament set on a remote and pristine beach where camping, party, food, and fields are all in walking distance and where they throw one of the finest parties in […]
  • Lei-Out 2010- Registration Now Open! - In case you have not heard, we are now accepting bids for the eleventh annual Lei-Out Beach Ultimate Tournament: Santa Monica, California’s Coed Beach Ultimate tradition. Go to Le-Out for to register and for all of the juicy tournament information! Here is some brief info: Lei-Out is a coed, 3/2 Beach Ultimate Tournament. We do […]
  • Asian Championships wrap-up - It already has been 2 weeks since BULA’s 1st Asian Championships Beach Ultimate saw its finals.The Philippines ruled. They won the Open and Mixed division without any problems. Neither team dropped a game and they showed supremacy on the beach as I have never seen before. The championship was a lot of fun. It was […]
  • Help a player create a Beach Ultimate field - I just received an email from Judith Laforest, former team Canada player (Maceio, Brazil) and player for Tondeuses Volantes in Paganello. Judith is trying to bring a positive change in her community of Edmundston, New Brunswick. She submitted an idea to the Aviva Community Fund to create a Beach Ultimate pitch in the city, much […]
  • New 2010 SOTG scoring system in 27 languages - As the Chairman of the WFDF Spirit of the Game Committee I am very pleased to announce the 2010 Spirit of the Game Scoring system. The Committee looked at all the feedback on the 2008 system and worked hard to make the system better and easier to use. I think we succeeded 🙂 The reduction […]
  • Watering the seeds… - I love getting emails from people like Edgardo Martinez. Edgardo is a Beach Ultimate tournament director in Colombia. He wrote: Hello Patrick, I am from Colombia, South America, and I am organizing a beach ultimate tournament in my city Barranquilla. The tournament is going to be next week (24-25 Oct). I just wanted to say […]
  • WFDF Ultimate Rules on your iPhone - Claudius Kirsch from Germany just released a small application which brings the WFDF Ultimate Rules to your iPhone. It’s just the right thing if you need a quick look at a certain passage between games. And of course a good chance to show your newest gadget to your teammates! Here’s the iTunes link which brings […]
  • An amazing Beach Ultimate picture! - This picture completely captures one of those great feelings playing Beach Ultimate. An amazing picture! Thanks Bommie! (more great pictures at
  • Beach Ultimate Leagues in the US - Beach Ultimate in the US has mostly been in the form of annual tournaments. However that is changing. For many years Los Angeles was the only place with a Beach Ultimate league. This fall they are starting their 5th of Beach Ultimate league season with 16 teams (about 200 people) taking over a good chunk […]
  • It is not always easier sailing - Beach Ultimate in Asia has been something I have written a lot about lately. China, India, Australia, Singapore, etc… many countries in the region have Beach Ultimate tournaments. The sport is truly growing. However it seems that when given the choice, most Asian players still prefer grass Ultimate. We have been promoting and organizing the […]
  • 7-on-7 Beach Ultimate: New BULA variant? - I was approached by the tournament director of the Chennai Heat Beach Ultimate tournament in India. He wanted to know if his tournament could be BULA approved? He likes the Discraft discount and he also values the legitimacy BULA approval brings. It allows him to get more international teams to participate. He told me that […]
  • Just a casual fling in Singapore - Asia is waking up to Beach Ultimate. Here is an article from Nina-Noelle Hall in Singapore: Hurtling through the air, the red plastic disc escapes the desperate grasps of clasping hands and instead plunges, untouched, into the warm sands of Siloso Beach. Mere inches away lie the defeated: two panting players, now face-planted, who both […]
  • Polish Beach Ultimate stole my heart - I just returned from Poland where our team (Diz-Cu) played at the SandSlash tournament in Debki. Debki is a tiny village (125 people) north of Gdansk and is a fun place with beautiful surroundings. Poland is also still very cheap compared to most of Europe. For less than 10 euros you can get a complete […]
  • Beach Ultimate photography - I love good Beach Ultimate pictures! Images that bring back feelings you had on the field. The catch, the defense, the layout…! Especially the layout is a great beach feeling. No worries about hitting the ground. Let it go and go ho! There are some very talented Beach Ultimate photographers out there. Rene Westenberg, an […]
  • Ukrainian TV, Beach Ultimate and Ffindr founder - The Beach Ultimate tournament in Kiev seems to attract a lot of interesting people. Christian Jennewein, the French/German/Scottish founder of Ffindr, went and he told me Kiev Hat is great. Really good Ultimate and a lot of fun. The spot was beautiful and considering that the tourney is inside a capital it qualifies as one […]
  • Most northern Beach Ultimate tourney - Yellowknife, the capital of the Northwest Territories (Canada), is not the most obvious place to find Beach Ultimate. However, in Ultimate loving Canada, local players are not deterred by geographic constraints and the following email was sent to local players: “Hi everybody, Denis/Aaron and Jenny/Simon are having a party on the 8th (Saturday). That is […]
  • Beach Ultimate in Hawaii - Most of the beaches in Hawaii are not very conducive to playing disc but a local group have made some strong relationships in Waimanalo over the last several years. A few years ago they had a summer beach league that lasted about 8 Saturdays. They are also holding the 5th official Tweedle Beetle Beach Battle […]
  • Forum for Tournament Directors - Tournament Directors (TD’s) are the backbone of Ultimate and Beach Ultimate. Without them the players would be lost and end up spending their days behind the TV 😉 BULA has always supported TD’s, helping them with tips, free posters, readily downloadable pictures for magazines, discounts, etc… Now there is another way TD’s can get help: […]
  • Twitter and (Beach) Ultimate - I have been a long-time Twitter skeptic. Especially when it comes to it being a profitable business (in my professional life I help grow and develop start ups). However that is not to say it is not being used. Its use has surprised many people and last week I noticed the first signs of Twitter […]
  • World Games Ultimate excitement - The World Games are held every 4 years and are for sports that just don’t have ‘it’ to be in the Olympics, but are still great sports. Korfball, a sport I grew up with, is one of them and so is (grass) Ultimate. The 2009 World Games started last week in Chinese Taipei and Ultimate […]
  • BULA Japan immediately in action - Last weekend the BULA flag, created for the European Championships in France last year, was proudly displayed during the Taj Ultimate tournament in Japan. And if you like good promotional Ultimate videos, check out the Taj Ultimate homepage video at:
  • The new Beach Ultimate hot spot: Ukraine - Ukraine’s Gigolo won Paganello’s Spirit of the Game award and finished in the top 12 in the Open division. The great combination of high level play and great Spirit is totally obvious is this YouTube promotional video of their upcoming Kiev tournament August 8-9: ( For those of you that never traveled that way, the […]
  • BULA Japan now official - Many years BULA has been working with Matt Kass, a veteran player from the US who lives and works in Tokyo. We met Matt for the first time in Portugal when he was playing for the US Master’s team. His passion and drive for Beach Ultimate was clear and refreshing. Now, with the arrival of […]
  • Ffindr helps TD’s with registration - Christian, the founder of Ffindr just completed the addition of a new feature to the system: simple online registration and processing! Players can register online and the TD will get a confirmation e-mail, plus a link to an ever up-to-date Excel file that reflects all submitted bids. TD’s and bidders can edit the submitted bids […]
  • Korean Beach Ultimate - I just realized that we know very little about Korean Beach Ultimate. We found some pictures online and a contact that is working to get a Korean team to the Asian Championship Beach Ultimate 🙂 But apart from that, what is going on there…? In case you know more, leave us comment.
  • The world no long longer exists… just the spot - This blog entry is the last thing I am doing before I turn of my computer and head over to 6 days of pure fun on the beach. I will be in Meco (Portugal) where there is a bar and a beach and 144 Beach Ultimate players from 17 countries. No contact with the outside […]
  • New Flying Disc Magazine - Disc magazines come and go. UltyLife magazine had a fairly short lifespan, and I know I have seen (and forgotten) others over the last 30 years. Has finally the time come for one to survive? The Flying Disc Magazine is aimed at all disc sports so there is a larger audience. Multimedia and social networks […]
  • South African Beach Ultimate - We have talked about African Beach Ultimate before (Mozambique and Kenya Beach Ultimate in particular) but we overlooked a great nucleus of Beach Ultimate in Africa: CapeTown The Clifton beach game every Sunday morning has generally had an excellent turn out. Now they have the new field marking kit, to make games look even more […]
  • Just a great cheer! - At the World Championships in Brazil, the US Master’s team had the King of Cheers in their midst. JR, as most people know him, is a unique person. Spirited to the bone and always full of great ideas. Here is his song, to the beat of Eminem:
  • Asian Championships website ready - Last month we launched the website for the Asian Championships Beach Ultimate All the information you need is on there. For those of you that are fortunate to think about going there, you might be happy to know that we are currently in communication with the organizers of the Manila Spirits / AOUCC 2009 […]
  • 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate steadily growing - 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate sometimes seems like an illegitimate child. It was started by Tim Finan in Florida with the hope that it would get mainstream TV interested. Shorter fields, a 6-second stall count, and a two-point score when the disc is thrown from endzone-to-endzone were to make this sport more spectacular. Jose Cuervo (a tequila […]
  • Galveston survives hurrican Ike! - The Texas Beach Ultimate Fest (TBUF), is back and bigger than ever. Come join them at Galveston’s RA RA Apffel Park (east beach) on Saturday May 30th for the longest running beach tournament in the WORLD. There is something for every skill level from beginners to world’s level ultimate players. Come help them show the […]
  • Festival Italia – Students on the beach! - A week after Paganello 14 teams from British Universities came to Rimini to compete in the Festival Italia Tournament. The atmosphere of 2,000 students playing so many different sports was amazing and the nightlife was incredible. The ultimate players had a fantastic time on the beach; they don’t often get to play beach ultimate at […]
  • The F-word - My mother-in-law has given the F-word a new meaning: Frisbee! According to her it is bad for our kids (My wife and I have an 11-year old and an 8-year old). We go to too many tournaments and they should be doing other things with them. True, sometimes we take the kids. Sometimes we don’t […]
  • UPA Rules: You have to wear clothes! - A college team from Oregon was removed from competition after five players shed their pants and underwear on April 11 during sectional play at Oregon State University in Corvallis. Sandie Hammerly, executive director of the sport’s governing body in the United States, the Ultimate Players Association in Boulder, Colo., said she and the association’s championship […]
  • 2009 Xefina HAT was maravilhoso! - 2009 Xefina island hat beach ultimate tournament, Maputo, Mozambique
  • Spanish Mixed Championships - Spanish Beach Ultimate is growing strongly. Each year there are more teams and now they also allow Portuguese teams to enter in their national championships. If they continue their growth like they have in the past, they will be the country to look out for at the 2011 World Championships. The Spanish Mixed Championships 9-10 […]
  • BULA Traveling tournament goes to Holland - Every year BULA plants a Beach Ultimate seed around the world to help the sport grow. It does so by organizing/promoting one special Beach Ultimate tournament per year in an area that has potential. In 2009, the BULA BUTT moves to the beach of Monster in the Netherlands for the 2nd edition of Monsterball. Last […]
  • Rules quiz - Since last year BULA has been using the WFDF rules with a BULA appendix. This allows all players worldwide to have the same basis to play with (with the exception of the US that uses the UPA rules) If you want to know how good your rules knowledge is, check out the Rules Quiz at: […]
  • A European Beach Ultimate League? - For years we have been thinking about creating a European Beach Ultimate League. However that is not as easy as it seems. There are lots of tournaments in Europe but that is one of the reasons it is hard to organize. Beach Ultimate is still relatively small and players usually only travel to places 1-2 […]
  • Are you ready for Paganello? - The Beach Ultimate community is getting ready for another edition of the largest international Beach Ultimate tournament in the world: Paganello! 120 teams, big parties, new contenders (will the Boracay Dragons make it to the finals?), and lots of other fun things to do. We all hope that the weather will be a bit better […]
  • Organize your team be a HappyTC - For years I have been organizing pick games, practices, league days, etc… It is always the same: I send an email to the appropriate mailing list asking who is going. Within minutes I get lots of emails back. People comment on everything and suddenly a simple question becomes an email monster. And I only wanted […]
  • BULA adopts the 2009 WFDF rules - As of 16 March 2009 BULA tournaments should be played using the 2009 WFDF rules with the BULA addendum Players will need to learn some significant changes before playing under the new rules:Marking infractions don’t stop play. After a second infraction, the marker resets the count to 0 and continuesPlay doesn’t stop for a travel […]
  • Featured tournament: Boracay Open - Another good blog posting from This time they featured the Boracay Open Beach Ultimate tournament and the still undefeated (on home turf) Boracay Dragons. Read more…
  • Tournaments 101: Choosing a format - An integral part of any Frisbee tournament is its format and schedule. Teams are coming for the game (and maybe the party too), so you better give them what they want. This article is the first in a loose series on how to organise an Ultimate Frisbee tournament, trying to point out the most important […]
  • 2009 Xefina HAT Tournament, Maputo, Mozambique - Dear Ultimate friends, Yes at last!… after last year’s success we promised to organise the Xefina HAT tournament again in 2009! And here it is: This year it will be on the holiday of Friday May 1st and Saturday May 2nd! The Sunday is open for some interesting and relaxing excursions in Mocambique… or just […]
  • Observers…. - It is interesting to see the differences in how people feel about using Observers. As far as I know no observers have ever been used in Beach Ultimate and, as a founding principle, BULA approved tournaments and Championships will never allow for observers. Is this logical? Not always. There are definitely situations where an observer […]
  • Deals for tournament directors - We have good news for tournament directors: as we in previous years we got a good Discraft disc deal for all BULA approved tournaments. Tournaments can receive a 20% discount on regular price discs, plus 10 free game discs per every 100 discs ordered, and some more free gifts. In addition, Lookfly is giving away […]
  • Lei-Out 2009…Epic? - Lei-Out 2009 shattered all previous tournament records on the Beach of Santa Monica with over 1,400 participants and a party at one of the most popular venues in Santa Monica. Celebrating its Tenth year, the Santa Monica Beach Ultimate staple, Lei-Out, hit a record number participants and a record number of teams. 90 teams competed […]
  • Kenyan Beach Ultimate tournament - It is always wonderful to see Beach Ultimate tournaments start anywhere on the planet, but when it is done in Africa it makes it even more special. There is so much potential for the sport there. FEAST (Frisbee East Africa Sand Tournament) is held at Tiwi Beach, Kenya April 11-12 2009 (Easter Weekend). Organized by […]
  • Spirit of the Game Scoring system in Slovak - Thanks to Igor “Buty” Butor, the Spirit of the Game Scoring system is now available in the Slovak language:
  • The 1st women-only Beach Ultimate tournament - Spanish Beach Ultimate is booming! Only surpassed by the US they host the most Beach Ultimate tournaments in the world! Last year there were 7 Beach Ultimate tournaments in Spain and that is growing already. The latest edition is a world premier: The first women-only Beach Ultimate tournament! Organized by Corocotta from Santander (North of […]
  • Winter Beach Ultimate - The last few months there has been a fair bit of Beach Ultimate in Spain and Portugal. The Porro Open tournament in Barcelona, several tournaments in Punta de Umbria (South of Spain) and at Praia do Meco (Portugal). There wasn’t a lot of sunshine, some rain and wind, but that made it special. With waves […]
  • Lei-Out 2009 is the ffindr Featured Tournament - Lei-Out 2009 is the Featured Tournament in ffindr! Check out some great information about Lei-Out 2009 and the history of the tournament on ffindr (Frisbee Finder). Here is the link:
  • Asian Championships Beach Ultimate in Boracay! - Today BULA and the Boracay Beach Ultimate Association are proud to announce that the Asian Championships Beach Ultimate for national teams (ACBU 2009) will be held 28-31 October 2009 on Boracay Island (the Philippines). National teams in the Open division and the Mixed division will compete for the title of Asian Beach Ultimate Champions, a […]
  • Happy 2009! And let’s work on peace! - Best wishes for 2009 to all of you! I started with a donation to Ultimate Peace and I hope more players will follow. Peace is good. Ultimate is good. Donating is good.
  • A Dream About Beach Ultimate - My friend Alex Wells from Seattle recently had a dream about Beach Ultimate and playing at Lei-Out that I thought was worthy of sharing Enjoy: I had a strange and frightening dream this morning that I feel compelled to share… I’m at what appears to be a dance party filled with a bunch of ultimate […]
  • The Disc Gods captured on camera? - I can’t believe I left this weird story from the BULA Blog until now. It is a true story, nothing has been modified. Two years ago we played we played Beach Ultimate in Meco (Portugal). The weather was unstable. There was a lot of rain around us, but on the beach it was perfect. Enough […]
  • Show me your Discraft! - For the last 4 years BULA and Discraft have been offering a tournament directors discounts on discs (plus many other goodies such as free game discs etc…) in return for, amongst other things, a Discraft banner that needs to be displayed at the tournament. Recently I was at a tournament that enjoyed the sponsorship offer. […]
  • 1st Beach Ultimate tournament on satellite image! - Jose Pires just sent me an email that a new satellite image was taken during the Bar do Peixe tournament in Portugal. (Also see the Google Earth .kmz link) You can clearly see the mass of players around the umbrellas, the 2 fields, the players on the fields and the side lines. On field 2 […]
  • SportVest 2009 with Student Beach Ultimate? - It took me by surprise when I saw the announcement for a Spanish Beach Ultimate tournament promoted by SportsVest 2009. I quickly went to their site and was confused… what is this? It looks like Spring Break for undoubtedly many intoxicated British students. After surfing around the site I was no less confused. Probably because […]
  • Radio Interview About the Future of Beach Ultimate - Brian Calle was recently interviewed about Lei Out and the future of Beach Ultimate. The TDs for Paganello and Wildwood were also interviewed. Check it out! Or find it at
  • Beach Ultimate in India - Slowly but surely Beach Ultimate is getting into Asia… Recent developments in China and now in India are heartwarming to see 🙂 Adding to the excitement is the fact that in two week the hosts for the 2009 Asian Championships Beach Ultimate will be announced. Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, China, […]
  • Catch that disc! - Although there is no beach in sight, I didn’t want to keep this video from you. Take a car. Drive it fast. Make it spin and catch the disc that was thrown to you…
  • Lei-Out 2009: The Tenth Year - Believe it our not, the Beach Ultimate tournament that started with just a few dedicated Ultimate Players tossing a Frisbee around on the sand in Santa Monica, California is turning a decade old. January 17 & 18, 2009 mark the tenth anniversary of Lei-Out. This year promises to be a special year with upgrades in […]
  • Burla Beach Cup video - Burla Beach Cup video 1 Burla Beach Cup video 2
  • Burla Beach Cup 2008 - Last September saw the seventh edition of the Burla Beach Cup take place on the beach of Viareggio, near Pisa in Italy. This tournament has been growing in numbers each year, with 82 teams taking part this year in 3 divisions. It’s easy to understand why: you’re guaranteed 3 days of beach ultimate, good weather, […]
  • Beach Ultimate in Catalunya - With the Porro Open this weekend in Barcelona it was perfect timing to get coverage about Spanish Beach Ultimate on TV3 from Catalunya. The 2 minute report last Friday showed that in heavy winds there can still be a game. I wish TV3 would allow for others to embed the video (why not?), but that […]
  • SOTG scoring system now in 5 more languages - Thanks to Christian, Gemma, Dima, Carlos, Sofia, the Italian Flying Disc Federation, and Eduardo the new WFDF/BULA Spirit of the Game scoring sheets are now available in Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, and Brazilian:
  • Boracay National Highschool Intermurals - Probably the first time in history: Beach Ultimate highschool intramurals. I wished I lived in Boracay!!! Check this out:
  • Spinn-City online community - I wish all online communities would merge. It would make them much more valuable to the users. For example, Spinn-City ( has some great features but not enough members (~80) to make it really useful for anyone. Spinn City Disc Museum I love this idea. So many discs are made and many have a special […]
  • LinkedIn, Facebook and (Beach) Ultimate - Earlier this year I wrote about a new LinkedIn group called Disc(o)Tech. Unfortunately I have not seen any use for/from it. However there is another disc related LinkedIn group that is more active: the Wonderful World of Ultimate. There are currently 181 members and a few days ago a new discussion was started: “Should the […]
  • Beach Ultimate in China - With the 2009 Asian Championships Beach Ultimate in sight, we are discovering more Beach Ultimate in Asia. In Beijing there was even an artificial beach that saw the arrival of many players. Here is an excerpt from a blogger in China: The sand was artificial and, at places, hurt like hell to land on (more […]
  • 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate takes root in France - Five-on-five Beach Ultmate might the most popular Beach Ultimate format worldwide, but 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate is growing too. The Wildwood tournament, with 2,200 players, is a huge 4-on-4 event in the US.In Belgium, the Philippines, Egypt, Mexico, and New Zealand there also 4-on-4 tournaments. This month, in the south of France, a 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate […]
  • Asian Championships Beach Ultimate 2009 - Today we sent out the official invitation for countries to play at and/or host the 1st Asian Championships Beach Ultimate (5-on-5 format for national teams).Australia, China, Currier Island, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamAll 15 countries get the opportunity to shine in what will be once […]
  • Great video about the World Championships - Here is a great report about the World Championships Beach Ultimate (WCBU) that was held last year in Maceio, Brazil. It was filmed and edited by the biggest Brazilian sport TV channel. Portuguese spoken with English subtitles. Very, very good.
  • The future World Champions Beach Ultimate? - Have a look at the possible future World Champions Beach Ultimate: footage of the 1st Boracay junior Beach Ultimate tournament. 54 students from elementary and high school participated. Wicked!
  • Hong Kong Beach Ultimate - Slowly but surely the Asia Pacific is waking up to Beach Ultimate. Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines have been on the forefront for many years, but Singapore started with a Beach Ultimate tournament last year and now Hong Kong is doing it too. This is great news for the 1st Asian Championships Beach […]
  • Is Wildwood the biggest tournament in the world? - Some communication went on recently about the size of tournaments. Of course size doesn’t matter, but we all still want to know who has the biggest. According to Tony Leonardo: Last year Paga had 48 open teams, 32 mixed, a gaggle of womens teams and juniors teams. Paga is 5 on 5 and team sizes […]
  • Displace bodybuilding as top video - Erick Fix, a humble handler, cameraman and editor from the North East has used his talent to craft an adrenaline-pumping highlight video of Wildwood. He is calling on you merry folk to make a difference in this crazy mixed-up world. He works for an internet fitness video website and causally asked if he could put […]
  • Ultivillage: bringing Ultimate to the fans - I had seen Ultivillage before and thought it was interesting, but not something to write about on this blog. Ultivillage is a mostly North America focused, grass Ultimate video website. Registered users (a few months ago they had 8106 registered users) can buy DVD’s, watch Ultimate TV, and participate in forums. However, their coverage of […]
  • Open Ultimate: online learning and coaching - The collaborative nature of the internet is starting to work its way deeper into the fabric of (Beach) Ultimate. Open Ultimate ( is another example. You will find two primary uses for Locating resources that will help you in coaching Ultimate; andCreating a private online course for you and your team that will help […]
  • Ultipedia - Wikipedia has become a standard on its own, and now there are specialized ‘pedias’ showing up everywhere. One of the latest is the Ultipedia. This is a great start for a worldwide collaborative effort to get a repository of tactics, websites, cheers, etc… That is not to say that there are no problems with ‘pedias’. […]
  • Why Grow Up At Wildwood When There’s Room For More? - SUNDAY, July 27th 2008. Yes, there were 300+ teams. The beach, a good 400 yards to the ocean, was packed. You couldn’t see the end of the fields. Not too long ago Wildwood had 150 teams and that seemed large. How many teams will the tournament cap it at? “We haven’t found that number yet,” […]
  • Wildwood High Times Redux - It’s Saturday night, 9pm. I will post again after pools are announced. The Wildwood weekend is reserved far in advance for most ultimate players on the Eastern Seaboard. Jake lives and Connecticut but comes down to volunteer at Wildwood so he can get a free ride. With the resort prices here, it’s a smart call. […]
  • Imbibing Wildwood Wild Times in the Land of the Uninhibited - Wildwood XXVI begins in about 6 hours when the 308 teams (and counting) square off in 19 pools of 16 teams each for the world’s largest 4-on-4 beach ultimate tournament. I’m at the registration party on Friday night where the libidinous teenagers and savvy college kids match up on the party grounds of New Jersey’s […]
  • Beach Ultimate in Canada - Canada is a country with an amazing Ultimate community. Toronto, Vancouver, and Ottawa all have thousands of players and 250-350 teams per city. However when it comes to Beach Ultimate they are the victim of their geography. The West Coast close to Vancouver has basically no good beaches (anything more north of Vancouver has either […]
  • Wii add-on might help disc sports - Yesterday in Los Angeles Nintendo unveiled a new add-on for the Wii remote. A small accessory, called the Wii MotionPlus, plugs into the base of the Wii remote to more accurately sense subtle movements such as the twist of a wrist, Nintendo said in a demonstration of a game involving the tossing of a virtual […]
  • The Subic Bay Beach Ultimate Frisbee Challenge - The Subic Bay Beach Ultimate Frisbee Challenge in the Philippines was held last June 7-8, 2008 at the Waterfront. Twelve teams from Manila and Boracay participated in the tournament. Boracay Dragons White and Gold ended up playing against each other in the finals. Dragons White won 13-6. Junthir from Boracay Dragons Gold got the MVP […]
  • Pictures from tournament in Mozambique - The first Beach Tournament in Mozambique was a blast. Inspiring scenery, a great crowd and a loud party! Here are some pictures
  • Brazilian Beach Ultimate Cup - Brazil has seen a surge of Beach Ultimate since they hosted the World Championships last December. They are now creating a new federation solely dedicated to Beach Ultimate (!) and organizing the first national Brazil Cup 2008. This is great news. Brazil has such great beaches and their beach culture is fantastic. BULA is in […]
  • New pictures - We keep on adding new and great Beach Ultimate pictures at
  • Foot underneath the line, in/out? - There has been some confusion about catching the disc while the foot is underneath the line. Here is the response from Lorne Beckman, the person who has been involved in all the BULA rules as well as most UPA rules: First let’s clarify nomenclature: a person’s foot cannot be “underneath the line”. “Lines” are conceptual. […]
  • BULA adopts WFDF rules - UPDATE 15 March 2009: the links now point to the 2009 Rules instead of the 2008 rules. Since BULA’s inception early this century we have had an independent set of Beach Ultimate rules. However this was not an optimal solution for Beach Ultimate players. Differences between WFDF, BULA, and UPA rules made playing internationally more […]
  • DDC at the sea - Many of us have had the experience of being stuck with only 4 players showing up at practice. And what do you do…? You play Double Disc Court (DDC)! It is a great game and lots of fun. Now the first European Beach DDC tournament is a fact: DDSea-spot on the Westende Beach in Belgium […]
  • Ffindr: what a great service! - Wow! is something that the disc community needed for a long time. A central depository of tournament info, leagues, pickup games for DDC, (Beach) Ultimate, Freestyle, Disc Golf, etc… They work with volunteers around the world to make sure as many disc events are added and the amount of listings they have already is […]
  • Dutch Beach Ultimate on the rise - Dutch Beach culture is mostly limited to holidays and ‘strand jutten’ (picking up things that wash ashore after a storm). The Crunch Hut tournament in Hargen has been the only Beach Ultimate in Holland (although this year will be their 14th edition!) and until recently the Netherlands never participated at a BULA Beach Ultimate World […]
  • European Championships overview and results - Well the 1st European Championships are behind us and we are left with great memories! The local organization did an exceptional job in pulling this off. It looked and felt big. For very little money everyone got a great player package with a beach chair (with beer holder), lots of flags around, stands for spectators, […]
  • New Spirit of the Game scoring system - UPDATE 22 October 2009: The 2008 version has now be replaced by the 2010 version. Please redirect your browser to BULA and the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) have launched a revolutionary new Spirit of the Game scoring system. The system is designed to quickly and accurately determine the SOTG winner while teaching what […]
  • African Beach Ultimate on a rise: Mozambique’s first tourney! - African Beach Ultimate is still in its infancy. South Africa is by far the most developed in this region. With the help of the Lifeskills organization and the Kaiser Foundation thousands of kids are starting to play (Beach) Ultimate. The rest of the continent is still almost untouched. There is some Ultimate in Egypt, helped […]
  • Ultimate on Nintendo DS - Finally someone decided to put Ultimate on a game computer like the Nintendo DS. There have been some PC games about Ultimate out but this is the first one I heard about that worked on anything but a PC. OFDS: Ultimate & Golf Unfortunately, the reviews have been not very positive. One of the buyers […]
  • European Championships Update - The preparations for the European Championships Beach Ultimate are going real well. It is unfortunate that there will be no women’s division this year but it is their loss. The local organizing committee is doing an amazing job arranging everything. From full media meetings with cocktails, to getting celebrities at the award ceremony. This tournament […]
  • Are European female Ultimate players an endangered species? - I can’t but shake the feeling that European women’s Ultimate is not doing well. For years we had problems getting them to play, but they showed up anyway. However, this year there are 3 instances that make me think… hmmmm… are female Ultimate players becoming extinct? The European Championships Beach Ultimate could not find 6 […]
  • Blockstack TV coverage of Paganello - Steve and Tom have packed their bags, got theirlaptops primed for high speed editing, and are taking to Rimini Italy for Paganello. They have exclusive backstage access to all the Paga action, interviews with the big names, and with Ultimate loving people having a good time. Most importantly they’ll be bringing back a flavour […]
  • Disc & Drinking Games - Games are more fun if there’s something on the line like a cup of beer. Gatorade can be substituted for beer. Boxed wine can be substituted for Gatorade but nothing can replace common sense. Cups on Sticks – Secure two three-foot durable plastic sticks into the ground a disc-and-a-fist length apart with plastic cups overturned […]
  • Boracay Open Finals - I suppose it shouldn’t have been a total surprise the way the Boracay Dragons A (so-named for the dragon boat races on the island — a few of the players are dragon rowers) dominated the finals, winning, in effect, 16-5 over Manila’s league champion Sexual Chocolate. 16 points because the last goal was an end-zone […]
  • Saturday at Boracay - Saturday pool play was divided into two pools, an upper and a lower. The upper pool was six teams. Boracay, a, b, and c, manilla’s alabang, dragan kutong (insect repellenent for dragons), and sexual chocolate, also from manilla. The closest and best game of the day was sexual chocolate v. boracay silver (b). With two […]
  • Friday at Boracay - Friday at Boracay The sand here is quite nice, the beach is fantastic and the teams here feel a bit like they are in paradise. The international presence is not felt, however. With an always crowded ultimate schedule a lot of Asian ultimate players are saving up their money for Korea or Bali, or still […]
  • Boracay Beach 2008 - OK, here’s some news from Boracay straight off the bat. FIRST, the tournament this year is being held about 2 months earlier than normal. The local Filipinos, many of whom play in this tournament, are still in their “work” season and thus attending this tournament is difficult. As a result the tournament is not massively […]
  • 1981 Frisbee TV ad - You and a friend and a Frisbee…
  • New LinkedIn group: Disc (o) Tech - Dori Yaniv, the organizer of the Israeli BULAFLOW Beach Ultimate tournament just invited me to join the Disc (o) Tech group on LinkedIn. This group combines the passion for Hi-Tech and disc playing. Dori feels like there is a strong correlation between playing disc and working in Hi-Tech. One way to check it is to […]
  • Eye Black Strips. Do they work? - You might have seen American Football players wear them. You might even have seen Xtehn Titcomb wear them at the World Championships Beach Ultimate in Brazil, but do the Eye Black Stripes from Mueller really work? I decided to try them during our league day in the Algarve last weekend and apart from the many […]
  • Respect not rivalry - If football is the “beautiful” game then Beach Ultimate is well on the way to being known as the “social” game. The competitors at the sixth annual Ocean Beach “Beach Hat” tournament came from all over the country as well as from overseas, but once they were put into teams, friendships blossomed that should last […]
  • Blockstack TV - Entertainment! That is how I would describe Blockstack TV. Steve Giguere (from Ultimate Gear company Lookfly) and Tom ‘The Voice of UK Ultimate’ Styles, are the brains behind this new venture that utilizes new technology such as video podcasts, RSS feeds, and Twitter. Their videos are still a bit too long and UK centric to […]
  • BULA merchandize
  • More free pictures
  • BULA changes eligibility rules - In line with the WFDF change in eligibility rules, and in time for the ECBU in France, BULA has changed its rules too. The new rules are: 3.3.1 Citizens Players are deemed to be Citizens and can automatically qualify for participation if a) they own a passport or equivalent legal document issued by the country’s […]
  • European Championships Update - The ECBU will have 5 divisions : Open, Women Mixed, Masters and Juniors. The Fees: Player fee: 70 € Player fee junior: 60 € Guest fee: 50 € Team fee: 100 € Team fee junior: 80 € The player/guest fee includes : the player’s pack, the BBQ of the welcome party and the Sunday night […]
  • Book Review: Ultimate – The Greatest Sport Ever Invented By Man - I’ve read my fair share of Ultimate/Frisbee books and many are okay, but none of them made me laugh as much as Tony Leonardo’s “Ultimate – The Greatest Sport Ever Invented By Man”. He is so right on when it comes to the Ultimate scene/culture. He describes several Ultimate stereo types that are so true […]
  • TV Coverage of the World Championships - A very good 10 minute report on the World Championships in Brazil. It was shown today (13 January) on TV Globo, Brazil’s largest TV station with millions and millions of viewers…
  • Boracay Beach Ultimate in the news
  • A Beach Ultimate trip of a life time… - Every year BULA helps a local group of Beach Ultimate lovers promote a special Beach Ultimate event somewhere on the planet. The Beach Ultimate Traveling Tournament (BUTT) helped start the Mundialito in Brazil in 2002. The BUTT also assisted players in the Canary Islands to help start the now famous CFC tournament, and it has […]
  • Playing Naked Frisbee in New Guinea - “It is an interesting question how far men would retain their relative rank if they were divested of their clothes.” — Thoreau, Walden 1854 What is it about modern culture that makes authorities feel the need to impose a foreign language, way of life and religion on a people that live in communion, unashamedly nude […]
  • Mick “SeXXXy MVP” Mengucci on the WCBU - Mick (Michele) Mengucci is a player everyone should meet. As one of the top Ultimate players in Europe he moved from Italy to Portugal around 1996. There he helped start the current (Beach) Ultimate scene. He also is a talented musician with many songs inspired Beach Ultimate and is a regular player in Paganello (SeXXXpensive) […]
  • Lei-Out: the US equivalent to Paganello? - What better way to start off the new year than to come out to Southern California and play a weekend full of 5 v 5 beach fun? Lei-out grows every year and this year they have expanded it from 2 days to 3 days (Jan 19-21). Here are some of the key details: Three day […]
  • World Championships scores and standings - Schedule (.pdf) | Leave comments Update: Pictures and guestbook at Finals Sunday: Open: Australia – Philippines 14-12 (Australia World Champions!) Women: Great Britain – US 11-8 (Great Britain World Champions!) Mixed: US – Germany 11-9 (US World Champions!) Master: US – Great Britain 11-9 (US World Champions!) Spirit of the Game winners: Master´s: Brazil […]
  • Latest WCBU information - The latest information about the World Championships was just emailed to all the captains with the request to pass it on to the players. It has information about registration, parties, BULA congress, rules, etc… In case you didn’t get it yet: download the file here.
  • Bad Spirit can cost a team the finals - BULA and the local Brazilian organizing committee have decided that bad spirit during the World Championships can lead to exclusion from the finals. Using the objective BULA SOTG scoring system, all teams will judged similarly by the teams they play against. Teams that have negative spirit ratings will be talked to at the end of […]
  • The real reason we love to play on the beach
  • BULA in 2008-2009 - What do you think BULA should do in the next 2 years to help develop Beach Ultimate around the globe? Now is the time to give your input. During the Championships in Brazil we will hold a BULA Congress where we will discuss the next 2 years of the organization. If you like to see […]
  • The 1st European Championships Beach Ultimate - BULA is proud to announce the 1st European Championships Beach Ultimate for national teams. The ECBU2008 will have 4 divisions (Open, Women, Mixed, and Masters) and will be held 8-12 May in Le Pouliguen, France. The local organizing committee is the same group that has organized the Yes But Nau tournament for the last 8 […]
  • San Francisco is going beach - Beach Ultimate in San Francisco has long been in the shadow of its grass cousin. During the summer, when the grass league is in full swing, there are just enough players to play on one field on Ocean Beach (for those of you interested, it is on Saturday’s at2 PM at stairwell 9). There are […]
  • Pfffeww… - Both readers of this blog might have be wondering why it has been so quiet lately… I feel bad and will try to improve, but the main reason for my silence was the preparation for the World Championships. Getting teams to respond and commit has been a challenge. Since I started playing (20+ years ago!) […]
  • SOTG rating system now in Russian - Thanks to Dima in Kiev (the organizer of the Kiev hat and КаZантип tournament) the BULA Spirit of the Game rating system is now available in Russian as well. Download SOTG rating system in Russian Thanks Dima!
  • BULA Tournament list now sortable by date - Matthew Shaer has come to BULA’s aid and sent us an adapted a piece of JavaScript that allows visitors to sort all tournaments by date, country, and name. Great addition. Thanks Matt!
  • Against the Grain 2007 video - The 2007 Against the Grain Beach Ultimate video will be ready in 2 weeks. Order your copy from the TD, Stacy Hubbard []. Only $20 🙂 Against the Grain (Seaside, Oregon) trailer:
  • Extremfeiner Schottercup - (Austrian article about their Mixed team in Graz this summer) “Bereits zum 4. Mal veranstaltet der Frisbeeverein Catchup Graz das international besetzte Beach-Frisbeeturnier im Eggenberger Bad. Heuer werden 12 Teams aus 3 Nationen erwartet, darunter auch das Österreichische Mixed Nationalteam, das Österreich im Dezember auf den Beach Weltmeisterschaften in Brasilien verteten wird. Zusätzlich starten mit […]
  • Wham-O gets video gamed - Wham-O has signed FOG Studios to exclusive worldwide licensing rights to develop video games based on popular Wham-O toys. Under the multi-year agreement, FOG Studios, New Brunswick, Canada, will develop video game versions of Wham-O’s classic products like Frisbee, Slip ‘N Slide, Hula Hoop and Hack Sack and other games that are compatible with the […]
  • Texas TBUF - Doesn’t he make you smile? Texas TBUF
  • Mallorca’s Copa Pescadisco - Just to keep you thinking about the beach… 🙂 Mallorca’s Copa Pescadisco
  • Ultimate started as a blood sport… - Only a few people know the real story behind the game… Forget the hippy stuff, Ultimate Frisbee was developed around 300 A.D. in the Aztec province of Yucatan, near the city of Palenque. Ultimate Frisbee (in the Aztec Ul-ta-kool Fusz-bah, literally “gliding death wheel”) was used both as a form of entertainment and to settle […]
  • Resurgance of the Dying Cheer - At the Bar do Peixe tournament in Portugal last June, all 10 teams made a post-game cheer. All cheers were captured on video, subtitles were added and put online: The team that won the cheer contest: 8-team…
  • World Championships on Facebook - The social network site Facebook now has an entry to the World Championships Beach Ultimate in Brazil:
  • Vaccinations and Visa’s for WCBU? - The Scottish team found that vaccinations for Yellow Fever and Polio are recommended when traveling to Brazil, however they are not required. Vaccination is country specific. Players might want to ask the Brazilian consulate about this. When you contact the consulate, also check if you need any visa to go to Brazil.
  • Funky Beach Ultimate in the Ukraine - On August 11-12 there is the KaZantip Z(x)7 tournament that will happen during the annual open air rave-festival on the seaside in Popovka (near Evpatoriya, Crimea). The 5-week festival has over one million visitors, lots of dance parties, (extreme) sports, and now also Beach Ultimate 🙂 With great games during the day, freestyle performances, a […]
  • The WCBU website is ready - The WCBU2007 website created by the Brazilian organizers is ready and can be accessed at I suggest that you also bookmark (or RSS) the official BULA WCBU Blog at to make sure you don’t miss any information.
  • Lick My Love Pump - Paganello finalists “Lick My Love Pump” show how to play and party in their Paganello 2007 video that they so foolishly put online… 🙂
  • Yes But Nau - One of Europe’s oldest Beach Ultimate tournaments, Yes But Nau in France, shown from above: More great pictures at
  • Beach Ultimate heaven? - Doesn’t this look just amazing…? The Boracay tournament in the Philippines seems like a wonderful place to play disc. More pictures at
  • Hotels at WCBU - Players that want to take advantage of the special WCBU hotel rates should book though CVC. Players that want to book other accommodations might want to know on which beach we play: we play at Praia Pajuçara and Praia de Ponta Verde is also close. See the Google Earth image Alternate sites you might want […]
  • Latest World Championships info - Fees Team fees: 150 euros ($200). Deadline: 15 Sept. Late payment fee: 25% Player fees: 80 euros ($110)/player (9 player minimum). Deadline 15 October. Late payment fee: 25% extra. Non-Player fees: 50% discount on player fee. Early bird special: Players that pay before 30 June July you only pay 100 euros ($135 USD) for the […]
  • BULA tanks and democracy - Spotted in Lisbon (Praça do Carmo) on 25 of April 2007: 25 of April 1974 is remembered as the coup d’état that effectively changed the Portuguese regime from an authoritarian dictatorship to a liberal democracy. No wonder the name BULA is now on the tanks 🙂 (thanks Luca for sending this in)
  • Four teams tied for SOTG in Portugal - The Portuguese Beach Ultimate league was held on 5 separate playing days between October 2006 and April 2007. After each league day the participating teams filled in the BULA Spirit of the Game score sheets. After all the games were played, four teams ended up in first place with 70 out of a maximum of […]
  • Sex and Ultimate Frisbee - From one of the editors of the Ultimate history book: This time of year, cities around the country gear up for summer Ultimate Frisbee Leagues. Several thousand people play on the elite and college circuits; tens of thousands more play for fun, fitness and the “spirit of the game.” At least that’s what the brochure […]
  • Face plant in Costa Brava - More great pictures of the Beach Ultimate tournament in Girona, Spain at
  • Academic congress during World Championships - Raoni, an Ultimate player from Brazil, wants to organize an academic congress during the World Championships Beach Ultimate in Brazil. This congress is aimed to give (Beach) Ultimate and Frisbee researchers a venue to present their findings to a large (and interested) audience and start new collaborations. If you are interested in participating, leave a […]
  • France has largest Beach Ultimate league - France will have the largest Beach Ultimate league in the world this summer with 36 teams registered, 4 stages and 2 divisions! The games will take place on the following days: * June 9-10, Les Sables d’Olonne (D1 & D2) * June 30-July 1st , Pornichet (D1) * June 23-24, Brest (D2) * September 1-2, […]
  • As regras oficias para Beach Ultimate - As of today the BULA rules are now available in Portuguese Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese! Many thanks to Pedro Vargas, Joana Rodrigues and Raoni for their work in translating the BULA rules into Portuguese and ‘Brazilian’. The rules have not be adjusted to the new 2007 WFDF rules. That is the next step for us […]
  • The Spirit of Flying Disc sports - Dan Engström, a WFDF Board member, wrote an official article for the Danish Swedish Flying Disc Federation about the Spirit of Flying Disc sports. It’s main focus is Ultimate but other parts of the disc sports, such as disc golf, are also included. Since Spirit is one of the main focal points for BULA we […]
  • Tales from the Egyptian beach - This winter in Dahab, a city in Sinai, Egypt, the first Ultimutation – BULA beach ultimate hat co-ed tournament took place. If you missed it, no worries: next year they will be back 🙂 Ultimutation was organized by Russian beach ultimate lovers who couldn’t wait for the sun in Russia. Around 60 players from all […]
  • Brazilian league uses BULA posters - As we were hoping, organizers are starting to use the BULA posters and flyers to develop Beach Ultimate locally. In Porto (Portugal), Los Angeles (US), and now in Brazil the posters are used to attract new players. The Brazilian “Campeonato Paulista de Beach Ultimate 2007” will be held on: 25/03/2007 – Mixed 5×5 29/04/2007 – […]
  • SOTG rating system now also in ‘Brazilian’ - Through the efforts of Malela Paredes and Du Faim from Brazil, we now have the BULA Spirit of the Game rating system also available in Brazilian Portuguese. Thanks! Download .pdf
  • Ocean Beach Ultimate Hat Tournament - So this past weekend was the annual Ocean Beach Ultimate Hat Tournament. 60 people from around NZ meet at Ocean Beach (which is about 30 minutes from Whangarei) to play two days of Ultimate. All the teams are picked randomly based on ability, sex, and date of registration. On Saturday morning when the teams were […]
  • APBU: The 2nd Beach-Only Ultimate organization - Beach Ultimate has long got its players from the grass Ultimate scene. There are beach tournaments galore but few leagues. However this is slowly changing. Portugal had the first national Beach Ultimate organization: BUG-P. However a second organization just got started: Associação Paulista de Beach Ultimate (APBU) in Brazil. No grass, just beach 🙂 APBU […]
  • Sponsorship Guide in Russian! - Dima and Valeriya Gavrilchenko from the Ukraine translated the BULA Sponsorship guide into Russian. Thanks! Download Russian Sponsorship Guide here Link to original (English) Sponsorship guide UPDATE 19 AUG 2009: The BULA 4-on-4 and 5-on-5 rules appendix were also translated into Russian: Link to the Russian 4-on-4 appendix Link to the Russian 5-on-5 appendix
  • The Greatest - Wow! This great play took place at the Battle on the Beach (BOTB) tournament in West Palm Beach March 8, 2003. Video courtesy of Rick Opton.
  • Regolamento ufficiale (Italiano) - Today we are publishing the second in a series of translations of the BULA rules. Many thanks to Nadia Sillano and Luca Giordano for their work in translating the BULA rules into Italian. Italy, the home of Paganello (which gave birth to BULA) has a strong potential for the sport with lots of beaches and […]
  • Homer’s Iliad mentions Beach Ultimate? - It’s pretty amazing that in one of the first stories ever recorded in a book, tossing a disc on a beach gets a mention… “…and his men beside the break of the sea-beach amused themselves with discs…” – The Iliad of Homer (Richmond Lattimore transl. Univ. Chicago 1967, Book II, line 773-774) Thanks to Melissa […]
  • Brazil’s new disc magazine - Today a new (Beach) Ultimate magazine was launched in Brazil. Sent only via email (smart!) the publication keeps everyone informed about new teams, local tournaments, the story behind the national Beach Ultimate team and other disc news in Brazil. More information can be requested from
  • Our Grandfather… - Frisbee inventor Walter F. Morrison test flies a re-issue of the Pluto Platter Frisbee disc Thursday, Dec. 28, on the beach in Carpinteria, California. The original Pluto Platter Frisbee disc, designed by Morrison, made its debut in 1957. link
  • Panama 51st country interested in WCBU - Panama, the fledgling Ultimate nation that is organizing its first international tournament this year, has shown interest in attending the World Championships Beach Ultimate in Brazil in December. This means we now have 51 countries interested in playing!
  • Reglas Oficiales para Beach Ultimate (Español) - Today we are publishing the first in a series of translations of the BULA rules. Many thanks to Gemma Perez and Arcadio Diaz Diaz for their work in translating the BULA rules into Spanish. Download the Spanish Rules here In a few weeks we are expecting to publish the BULA rules in Italian and Portuguese. […]
  • Lei-out pictures - Stephen Chiang, photographer extraordinaire, has published his pictures of Lei-out in Los Angeles online: Pictures from Chris McT
  • Happy Birthday Frisbee! - Today is the 50th birthday of the Frisbee!           Congratulations Wham-O! Link to “The Frisbee Celebrates its 50th Anniversary” story on WFDF website
  • Beach Ultimate in the Ukraine - Since 2002 Dimitry Strelchin and his friends have been organizing the Kiev Hat tournament in the Ukraine. The location is great and look how popular this tournament has become: More pictures at I especially like the picture of the baby with a beer bottle on page 2 🙂 This year they are thinking about […]
  • Updated: National Team and Player Manual - Version 1.3 of the National Team and Player Manual (0.1 MB .pdf) for the World Championships in Brazil can be downloaded by clicking on the link above. The updated manual has some spelling corrections and the long-awaited entry for Currier Island. A quote from the manual: “Currier Island— The Beach Ultimate Paradise— is different things […]
  • Google (Beach Ultimate) Map - Today we changed our website. We added a few more links on the navigation to make it even easier for you to find what you are looking for. In addition we added a Google Map where anyone can add information about locale Beach Ultimate. It doesn’t matter if you only have 5 players that want […]
  • Free Flyers and Posters - BULA has always tried to help players organize Beach Ultimate pickup games, tournaments and leagues. It started off with a whole section with tips for organizers. Two years ago we started offering free pictures in high resolution to be used for posters, articles in newspapers, etc… Last week we published an extensive Sponsorship Guide to […]
  • Sponsorship - Sponsorship is sometimes controversial in the world of Beach Ultimate. However sponsorship can enhance any tournament or league. Don’t immediately think TV, shirt advertising, etc… It can simply be the local council that promotes the event in the area in return for flyers near the fields. However, if you want, sponsorship can be a whole […]
  • Presque Isle State Park Beach Fun - Yeah! Party on dudes!
  • Tomorrow: Global Orgasm Day - Beach Ultimate Lovers are known to have respect for the planet and participate in good causes. But even if you are normally not so socially aware, here is one project you might want to participate in to help save the planet: Global Orgasm Day! Scientifically monitored by Princeton’s Global Consciousness Project this is a good […]
  • MTA record broken! - In a live broadcast Christer Fuglesang set the new MTA record by keeping a disc in the air for 20 seconds, claiming the new MTA world record. Fuglesang’s first attempt, was a dud. As fellow astronaut Thomas Reiter, a German pilot, counted down – “Three, two, one, go!” – Fuglesang released his white Frisbee. The […]
  • Burla Beach Cup - The pictures of the Burla Beach Cup in Italy are up:
  • French Fun on the Beach - It looks like the French players know how to play and party!
  • Astronaut to set MTA record? - Discovery’s seven astronauts are among the most culturally diverse of any space shuttle crew. There are two African-Americans, an astronaut of Indian descent, the soon-to-be first Swede in space, a British-born mission specialist, an Alaskan and a Jersey Boy. The Swede, Christer Fuglesang, is a former national Frisbee champion and plans to bring a Frisbee […]
  • TV ad for Beach Ultimate tournament - Does anyone know if this ad was actually shown on TV?
  • Study links Ultimate to school grades - “One University of Washington psychiatry professor has identified a strange correlation — schools with top-ranked ultimate Frisbee teams also have higher graduation rates. Michael J. Norden analyzed the Ultimate Players Association’s performance ratings for men and women’s teams and discovered both public and private schools with top-ranked ultimate teams have higher graduation rates than schools […]
  • Anyone Can Play This Game? - It is a common claim made by Ultimate Frisbee players that ‘anyone’ could play the game. However Andrew Thornton, a long time Ultimate player, has published research that shows that Ultimate players struggle over their (athletic) embodiment and identity. His research shows that although Ultimate players reject and limit identifications with dominant sporting ideals they […]
  • BULA Cow-vertising - No, this is not advertising for the Beach Ultimate Lovers Association, but funny nevertheless: Link to more on the story and some video
  • New Zealand 2008: 4 weekends 4 tournaments - Each year BULA promotes a new tournament somewhere on the globe. These series are called the Beach Ultimate Traveling Tournaments (BUTT). We are still waiting for confirmation of the 2007 location, but the 2008 location has been determined and it will be a great one: New Zealand! Four weekends, four tournaments! Starting 2 & 3 […]
  • Thyl ‘Kuki’ Luyckx (1969-2006) - We were shocked to find out that Thyl ‘Kuki’ Luyckx died on the night of 14-15th of October. Thyl was a big part of (Beach) Ultimate in Europe. He helped organize, and was a passenger on, the Magic Bus that went from the World Championships Grass Ultimate in Finland to the World Championships Beach Ultimate […]
  • Luxembourg latest country interested in WCBU - Luxembourg is the 48th country interested in participating in the World Championships Beach Ultimate to be held in Brazil, 11-16 December 2007. Will we get 50 countries interested? We are waiting for a response from Chinese Taipei and perhaps there is another country out there that wants to play too… Here is one of the […]
  • First Beach Frisbee commercial: 1969! - This is wild! A 1969 Cheerios commercial with a focus on Frisbees
  • Nice picture
  • Location WCBU 2007 is known! - Today the location of the World Championships Beach Ultimate was made public: the tournament will be held 11-16 December 2007 in Maceió, in the north of Brazil. The beach will be the Pajuçara Beach. With 44 countries potentially participating, it should be a great championship! UPDATE: The news has already reached the Brazilian national press: […]
  • San Pancho Beach Ultimate - On May 5-7th, Anikan (NGO) and Jalisco’s Ultimate Frisbee Asociation organized an Ultimate Frisbee tournament to be played on the beach of San Pancho, Nayarit, Mexico. The purpose of the tournament, asides from throwing the disc around and hanging out, was to raise some funds for some of Anikan’s environmental projects. Many participants with their […]
  • Robotic Frisbees of Death - It ain’t easy, picking out evil-doers in the urban canyons of the Middle East; there are so many places to hide. Taking ’em out can be even harder, what with all those noncombatants hanging nearby. But the Air Force thinks it might have an answer to this most vexing problem in counter insurgency: FRISBEES. (More…)
  • Ultimate Tattoos - Zeka, one of the Beach Ultimate players in Palmela (Portugal) recently got himself a new tattoo: I think it is cool! If you know of others that have (beach) Ultimate Frisbee tattoos, send them to and we’ll start a collection here on the site.
  • The commercial side of Frisbee - Not at funky as the South African commercial, or as well known as Nike commercial, or highly promoted as the Lipton Frisbee Golf promotion in Holland, but this commercial from the Czech Republic again shows that Frisbee is becoming something that can help sell products. (and at least it does not misrepresent Ultimate like the […]
  • What Happened at Against the Grain 2006? - (by Stacy Hubbard) The fourth annual Against the Grain beach tourney in Seaside, Oregon went off without a hitch! We had fantastic weather- with no wind to speak of! We had a very competitive field this year, and I think the teams are getting stronger every year. The beach was packed, and people sure enjoyed […]
  • World Championships Player & Team Manual - At the end of this month we will announce the exact dates and the city where the World Championships Beach Ultimate will be held in Brazil next year. In the meantime we created the National Team & Players Manual which explains the eligibility rules, payment info, sponsorship rules etc… Have a look at this .pdf […]
  • SOTG rating system update - Here is a list with the tournaments that used the SOTG rating system that we released last February: Oceans Beach Hat (New Zealand) Bulf à l’eau (France) Battle on the Beach (USA) Boracay Beach (the Philippines) Costa Brava Tournament (Spain) Sandblast (USA) Bibione Beach Combined (Italy) Beach Fest (UK) the Portuguese Beach Ultimate league (Portugal) […]
  • Wildwood sets a new record - Yesterday we were informed that Wildwood, the 100% coed, 4-on-4 Beach Ultimate tournament in New Jersey, has 224 teams registered. Amazing…! This makes it, at least in number of teams, the largest Beach Ultimate tournament in the world. (Does anybody know how Paganello (Italy) compares in number of players?) Wildwood will have 4 volunteers to […]
  • Cool Frisbee ad - All the way from South Africa, a very cool video ad where Frisbee Fever takes over the city. Link
  • Beach Ultimate in Japan - After all these years of thinking we knew about all Beach Ultimate tournaments around the world, we just found out that in Japan, for the last 6 years, there also has been a Beach Ultimate tournament! The way we found it is because someone posted a video of the Ebashi Cup on Great! Another […]
  • Frisbee camera - I have no idea if this works, how this works, and why this works, but it looks cool: a dics with a video camera attached to the bottom. You can record up to 20 minutes of video and the smart wind vein on the top keeps the camera facing in one direction while it’s spinning […]
  • Guest bloggers wanted - There is lots of stuff going on on the beaches around the world. In Portugal last weekend there was the 10th edition of the Bar do Peixe tournament, Wildwood in New Jersey is aiming to have 196 (!) teams this year, and in Belgium there are 2 new Beach Ultimate tournaments this year… We need […]
  • Ultimap is back! - Old-timers among you may recall the original “Ultimap Locator” hosted at the University of Rochester. This allowed you register yourself (or your team or your favorite playing field or whatever) using a then-state-of-the-art clickable graphic map. You could then search for people by name or by map–great for finding a pickup game on the road […]
  • Who is searching for “Beach Ultimate”? - Google launched a new service yesterday. It’s another analysis tool (and a good one), that allows you to see how often specific search terms are being entered into the Google search engine. Up to five terms can be compared. And you can also view queries that contain either or two terms, using a vertical bar […]
  • Great fake play - On the beach in Borocay: watch as Johnny fakes the throw and Yong lays out while our whole team celebrates the point. Meanwhile the handler (Johnny) still has the disc and puts it to James in the corner for the point while the other team is still stunned (no sound). This reminds me of a […]
  • Too windy for you? - Playing with or against the wind is part of the beach ultimate experience. It’s like salt on your meal. Just a bit of salt and your meal taste better. But too much salt can make you meal not eatable any more. Last March in Marseille (France), for the “Bulf à l’eau” tournament, we played with […]
  • Paganello Pleasure Principle - I’m sitting here at work gently reflecting on what a wonderful Easter weekend I’ve just spent playing Beach Ultimate on the beaches of Rimini at the 16th edition of Paganello. My colleagues have politely asked why I seem so happy and sun kissed; whenever I try to explain how amazing Paganello is I fail and […]
  • Beach 2.0: The influence of the Internet. - (This is a reprint of the article that appeared in ‘Roar’ the Paganello magazine) You‘ve heard of Web 2.0? What about Beach 2.0? The World Wide Web (the name almost sounds old) is, or was, a network developed and run by ‘techies’ (in the broadest sense of the word). To make anything available on the […]
  • Ana Hammond - We are deeply saddened to inform you that Huck Finn player Ana Hammond stopped breathing while on the sideline at an ultimate tournament in Davis (California) last Saturday and couldn’t be revived. From an email to the San Francisco Ultimate community: “Ana lived the life most people only dream of, the life of an angel, […]
  • Paganello Video - Although not labeled ‘Beach Ultimate’ and therefore perhaps harder to find, I don’t want to deprive you from some great Beach Ultimate: The 30 minute SkySport broadcast of Paganello 2005
  • Pocket Ultimate - A new card game was invented by some Cota Rica Rimini (Italy) players. The game includes 32 offense cards (red), 31 defense cards (blue), 1 die, 1 double-sided disc and 1 playing board representing the pitch to play a real (Beach) Ultimate game. This game will be available at Paganello for 8 euros. The money […]
  • Paganello Pleasure Updates - Hi Beach Ultimate Lovers, I’m Will Halliday and I’ll be bringing you updates from Paganello which is held every Easter on the beaches of Rimini on the Adriatic coast of Italy. As you may know, Paganello is one of the world’s greatest Beach Ultimate jamborees. Hopefully we’ll see some of you on the beach and […]
  • Lei-Out 2006: Monstrous Success - The seventh annual Lei-Out Beach Ultimate Tournament shattered all previous attendance and competition records during the January 14 and 15 event. Teams turned out from all over the globe to be a part of the festivities even though the weather was a little gloomy, with the first rain ever during a Lei-Out Tournament early Saturday […]
  • The first Beach Ultimate tournaments - Here are the five oldest Beach Ultimate tournaments in the world: 1986: Death on the Beach, Texas (later became TBUF) 1988: West Palm Beach, Florida (later became Battle on the Beach) 1989: Paganello, Italy (oldest still running tournament) 1991: Wildwood, New Jersey 1992: Britannia, Ottawa
  • Frisbee Throwing Machine - Cool! An automated Frisbee throwing machine that gives you consistent throws. The design is interesting as it uses a bicycle wheel to get the traction. I wonder when it will go into mass production. Link to video
  • Ultimade - After the hillarious GlaxoSmithKline game, here is another game that you can play when the weather is still not good enough to play Beach Ultimate: Ultimade, the Ultimate board game. A fun strategy game that can be played anywhere. Link
  • VII Torneo Internacional de Gran Canaria - I don’t know what the winter has been like for you, but in London it’s been dark, grey and cold. That’s probably why I was a bit over-excited last thursday to be boarding a flight with Dom and Sally, bound for blue skies, warm weather and the start of the European Beach Ultimate season, in […]
  • Bouncing breast simulator - Shock Absorber, a UK line of sports-bras, has a Flash-based boobies-physics simulator. Plug in a cup-size and a level of activity, and it produces a 3D animation of breasts of that size bouncing free, bouncing in a regular bra, and hardly moving at all in one of their sports-bras. Extra geeky bonus points for including […]
  • Disc game on the kitchen table - The long awaited, definitive GlaxoSmithKline video is here. After months of tiny video clips bouncing around the internet giving people a vague idea of how this new game involving a frisbee is played, GlaxoSmithKline – the game (which has nothing to do with the company) – the 3:15min video, in all it’s wonderous glory is […]
  • New SOTG scoring system - UPDATE: AS OF 13 MAY 2008 THE SOTG SCORING SYSTEM HAS BEEN UPDATED. More info at: Today we launched a new Spirit of the Game scoring system that is much more objective than most systems, yet still has some subjective influences. It started with the idea to use/adapt the Swedish Fair Play system that […]
  • Special sports lens from Nike - Nike has teamed up with contact lens maker Bausch and Lomb to create performance-enhancing contact lenses called MaxSight. They’re a tinted version of daily disposal lenses for athletes that reduce glare and improve visual acuity. The amber version is advertised to help people that play Soccer, Baseball, Tennis, Football, and Rugby. Will it help Beach […]
  • Port-a-Field lines - Two years ago, for the World Championships Beach Ultimate in Portugal, BULA purchased 10 fields from Port-a-Field. These fields have been used afterwards for all Portuguese championships, league days and tournaments and only one of them broke so far. The corners of the fields are a bit flimsy but the latest product (which we have […]
  • 2011: 3rd World Championships…. - It just dawned on me… Since the World Championships will be held once every 4 years, the one after Brazil will only be in 2011… Hmmm, now there is an incentive to go to Brazil next year 🙂 As if you need more incentives… BULA already started contact with many countries, including ‘smaller’ countries such […]
  • Beach Ultimate and the Superbowl: 4 degrees of separation - I am sure you always wondered how Beach Ultimate and the Superbowl were related 😉 Now you can find out using the new Wikipedia tool: Six degrees of Wikipedia
  • Hong Kong Distributor Acquires Wham-O - Wham-O has been sold to a Hong Kong distributor that’s trying to build a one-stop shop for outdoor fun. More…
  • Spirit of the Game trademarked by UPA! - I just found out, to my great horror, that the UPA has trademarked the phrase “Spirit of the Game”. This must be the greatest oxymoron in Ultimate history! Discraft resellers have already been told that they can not put the phrase “Spirit of the Game” on discs unless they have approval from the UPA. That […]
  • LEIOUT 2006 - LEIOUT 2006 Photos are up on my website. Here is the direct link: Enjoy! -Stephen
  • Share Beach Ultimate videos - Share your Beach Ultimate videos with the rest of the world… Upload them to Google video. It is free and BULA will promote the link so you don’t have to:
  • Mailing lists… - We have maintaining our Beach Ultimate News mailing list for many years now. About a year ago ISP’s started closing their SMTP servers for bulk mailings (even legitimate ones like ours) and we were forced to pay for a service that does it for us. Okay, no problem. However that seems to be also not […]
  • Any coverage is good coverage? - Did you see the news? The BULA beloved Flashflight disc got an award 😉 “Really Useless Product Award: Nite Ize’s Illuminated Flying Disc takes the prize. Imagine a Frisbee with LEDs that costs $20. Now if it only came with a built-in MP3 player… ” —Steve Bass (PCWorld) I am a ‘techy’ and love […]
  • Hello Everyone! - Hi; I´m Marco and I will be in charge to organize the WCBU 2007 in Brazil, with my great friend and also president of BUA (Brazilian Ultimate assossiation) Roberto Hucke!!! Now we are looking for the right beach to held the tournament. I´ll be here almost everyday to update all the news… I promisse that […]
  • Protecting your feet - Playing Beach Ultimate you probably found the need for some feet protection. In the winter the sand can get really cold and in the summer the sand can get really hot or, like at the Bar do Peixe tournament, sometimes the sand is really rough. In 2004 a company called Vincere came out with Sandsocks. […]
  • Sweet & Sour Ultimate? - Being Dutch and living in Portugal is probably not the same feeling as being a man in a woman’s body but it is an interesting experience nevertheless ;-). I grew up with Nordic Ultimate: grass, field shortages, rain, indoor season… The spirit was almost always great but when there were ever any spirit problems on […]
  • Spreading the fun - Happy New Year you Beach Ultimate lovers! May your life be healthy and may you have lots of fun on the beach. This year should be interesting for anyone that loves Beach Ultimate. As you can see we have launched the BULA Blog which allows us to add and share knowledge and fun easily. Tournament […]